Saturday, February 25, 2017

Growing boys

"God gave those little children to you, mama - you. No one else can mother them like you can. You may have your work cut out for you, but you're the one cut out to accomplish it". --Erin Odom

Today and everyday, I truly feel grateful + extremely blessed to call these boys mine. To have the opportunity to watch them grow, to hear "wake up-wake up" every single morning, to nurse a sweet babe every night, and to be there to cheer them on as they get older.
Not all days are easy, in fact, we have a lot of bad days too. Last week, Kyren threw a rock at a car..and if any of you know Kyren he has quite the arm. Sadly, Ky has been a little bit violent with our little Kue. And a 5 month old isn't always the easiest thing to take on. I know that the hours may seem long, but I do know that the days are short. I can't believe that I'll have a 3 year old in 3 months and that my tiny babe is already 5 months old. It breaks my heart that sometimes I'm not present enough to soak all of their goodness in. So today, that's what I am working on. Watching them interact with each other, embracing the messes, and cherishing the snuggles.

These boys. As I'm sure every mom says about her littles --they are the absolute best! They are cute, funny, and have the biggest personalities! We haven't done an update on here for quite some time...So today is the day.
Kueyn:--He's my little chunky man! (I know, I'm the luckiest)
short + most squeeze-able cheeks and eat-able thighs.
--He's rolling from his tummy to his back.
--Bath time + his fingers in his mouth are still his favorite!
--Of all the smiles I've ever seen His is the biggest!
--He thinks he has to sit up 24/7 or be facing outward.
--Seriously, he is the happiest babe I've ever laid eyes on.
--Let's not forget that today (the 6th) he is 5 months old.
--Puts up with an extra lot from his big brother.
--Worlds biggest bubble blower.
--He's reaching for everything and eyeing all of our food.
--Toys --He's all about them.
--Love - Hate relationship with his carseat.

--Costa Vida, Papa Johns, Fries, Juice + all the sugar in the world.
--He thinks Kue is pretty much the best thing that has ever happened to him.
--Will quite literally talk your ear off.
--Tantrums galore. Not joking..Please tell me the three's are better.
--"Hey! What are you doing" "Come play, come play" "Hey! Where going"
--Doctor. He loves it!
--He slept in his big boy bed for the first time just a week ago!
--Went potty in the toilet for the first time, ever on March 4th.
--World's biggest helper.
--"He's cuuuute" as he looks at his little cousin, Kohler.
--Mr. Independent (walking to the car, scanning at self checkouts, dishing up his food, getting dressed, turning on his sound machine etc.)
--Knows how to work snapchat on his own. (We apologize if you've received any snaps from us)

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