Wednesday, March 15, 2017

You matter.

I was able to attend a Momday Conference at the beginning of March with my sweetest mom and baby sister. It was just what my mommy heart needed. It touched me in all the right places and gave me all of the warm fuzzies.
--And thankfully so.

These are a few things that I hope that I can remember.
1- Fill my Mom account.
2- Why talk others down? Why can't we all be up?!!
--it all begins with one single thought. and every single thought matters!
3- Sisterhood.
4- Own it. Be unapologetic and intentional with the things you say + love.

Let's start with #1. Why do we as mom's or even women (atleast I know I do) feel selfish when we go to Target and leave with the jeans we had to have? I know that I do. Girl if those cute jeans make your little butt look fine + fill your mom cup then for heck sakes. Buy the jeans! If it's that bright red lipstick that does the trick and helps you get through the day, wear the bright red lipstick EVERY single day. I don't care if it's a daily Kit Kat or an Almond Snickers or the almost $3.00 Fiiz Drink... I don't care what it is. If it's going to fill up your mom account so that you can take and take and keep taking from it then do it! When you feel good, when you take a minute, or even two hours for yourself, then your kids (your husband, your family, your neighbors, etc) will all end up benefiting.

Oh good, we made it to #2. Why talk others down? When we look at those small squares on Instagram what goes through our heads? and then what kind of emotions come from that? If we think "Oh my gosh! She's so lucky she won a free trip to Disneyland. -Oh hey there jealousy- When we walk in to the room and see a pile of clothes on the ground and we think "ugh! Both the hanger and the closet are right there. Can he not hang them up? I'm not his mom." -Oh my gosh. I'm so mad- It all begins from one single thought. Why can't we be happy for the girl who won a trip to disneyland? Why can't we walk in to the closet and see that pile of clothes and think oh my husband was in such a big hurry to play with the boys that he tossed his clothes. If we could make our minds change their way of thinking how much happier could we be and how much happier would we be for others? I want to be genuinely happy for my friends + my family who are going places, who are chasing their dreams, who are successful, who are happy with what they have. Why do we have to knock someone else down to their knees in order to build ourselves up? Why can't they be great and why can't I?

Oh hi #3. Sisterhood. I was raised with 3 sisters and then married in to a family and got even more. --I know, the luckiest. I also have a tribe of "sisters" I have a bunch of girl friends to add to those sweetest sisters who I deeply love and who lift me up always. I feel so blessed to be surrounded in person, and social media with women who continually build me up, who tell me I can do hard things, who come to my DoTERRA parties just to show their support, who text me just to ask how I'm doing. Let's lift each other up --As friends, as sisters, as moms, and as women!

Last #4. Own it! Own who you are, where you're at, and what you have! What do you say when someone asks you what you do? I used to say "Oh I'm JUST a mom" and then a 'but' would follow. NO NO NO! You're not JUST a mom. You're the very best mom! Be proud of the homemaker that you are and those babies that fight you for naps, and cry for who knows why. Some of you may work out of the home and to you I say own it. You leave your babies to work and then come home and you keep working the rest of the night! Don't feel guilty. You own it because that is hard! Maybe you work everyday all day long and you barely get to see your husband because the two of you are making your dreams come true. So what do you do? You own it, and you rock it! Don't be sorry for the human that you beautifully are! There once was a time that we didn't think twice about what we posted on social media, or what time it was posted, or how many likes that picture (close to our hearts) received, and so what if you posted twice in one day?!! I forever want to be unapologetic and intentional with the things that I post, that I share, that I say and most of all that I love!

Aren't we all just trying to do and be our very best? For ourselves, for our littlest humans, for our fur babies, and for the family members who fill our lives with so much joy? Life is hard so lets not be so hard on the people around us and most importantly ourselves. Let's be compassionate + uplifting. Let's be endearing, and genuine. Let's be unapologetic and intentional with our actions and thoughts. Let's remember who we are and what that means! Let's think highly of others and highly of ourselves. And for those wondering who you are, search for it, and find it...and last but certainly not least. OWN IT!!!

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