Tuesday, March 21, 2017

It's so good to be home!

Some of you may know that we moved out of my inlaws and in to a home of our own.
It has been a long LONG time coming and has been a huge work in progress, still is.
We have put a lot of time, a lot of hard work, a lot of sweat + tears, and a lot of money in to this place that we now get to call our home. I'm so grateful for the people that have helped us pull this off; family, and a few of the sweetest and greatest friends! Thank you, thank you from the very most bottom part of my heart. We needed you, and are so thankful for you!

This was a HUD home. The day we went through it was the first and the only house that we looked at! How's that for taking a big leap? That same day we had to make an offer on it. With HUD homes they don't tell you if anyone else has bid or how high or low they may have offered. It was as is. The people before us made holes in the wall, taken all appliances, took the garage door, and we knew it needed a lot of work and a lot of love. (But love is just what we could give the place) We let our realtor know our offer and she had told me we probably wouldn't hear back for a few more weeks. I stressed majorly. I really wanted to live basically next door, to my husbands brother and his little family! The next day I had gotten a phone call. We got the house! WHAT?!! Woah. Well that all happened a lot quicker than I had imagined. Overwhelmed, stressed, excited, antsy, anxious, and just joy filled my heart!
The process was long, and it was hard! We had a whole bunch of hoops and hurdles to jump through and at times we thought it'd be better to back out. We hung in there though! We
closed on our house two days after Kueyn was born as well as sold one of our cars! What can I say? Adulting at its very finest! --Well, without further a do. Here's our little home!

The Kitchen
You guys, redoing cupboards is no joke. Thank you to my big sister, Amy for taking on the task of helping me. They live in Texas and when they came to visit her and her husband both apologized for not being able to help more! She did a lot of the work on the cupboards and then taught me so I could do it on my own. Spencer painted a wall for us and fast too!
We cleaned, sanded, painted, and stained the edges of our cupboards. Later on, we will add door knobs and decorations will go on top of the cupboards. We also hung two decorative shelves above the table:)

We really lucked out because my sister in laws parents were redoing their kitchen and gave us the dishwasher, microwave, and stove + the chandelier above the kitchen table all for free. My mom also gave us her fridge because she wanted a new one :) Like I said we got really lucky! Thanks everyone.

Shiplap Wall
First we painted the entire wall the blue/gray color the rest of the house is. My mom and Jace measured everything out and put the marks on the wall. We had our system down and rocked it! It was really a pretty quick process! --I admit that I did make a fuss about a tv being hung on this wall and refuse to let anything else find it's place there. Haha! I just really really love it!
I sanded each and every board.
My mom and Jace would place every board on the wall and then nail it in. Later on came the painting!

I'm not joking when I say that we painted literally every single wall in this place..I can now tell you that I never want to paint another wall in my entire life. It was brutal, friends. Worth it? Definitely...but brutal!

We had the downstairs, and all of the bedrooms upstairs textured. That costed a pretty penny and we low balled how much paint we would need for the place. My sweet father in law + my loving husband framed every single window in our house and they look absolutely beautiful now! Pictures don't do it justice.

Jace says he got the TV and I got the furniture. Let's be honest, I would have settled for the much cheaper furniture but he got what he wanted ;) Okay okay fine, I am really REALLY happy that we ended up with these babies. I wanted gray --That's what I got. They are super comfortable and we love the wedge that has a shelf and outlets for phones + anything else in the middle. I also love love love the main piece. If you notice in the pictures the middle folds down and up. Meaning we can have it down to hold our drinks and for an arm rest, or to lay Kueyn in the corner OR we can have it up and sit right next to each other. Ashley furniture you can thank me later for the advertisement for any readers.

DownStairs Bathroom

I am so in love with this room. My mom and I shiplapped that wall very very last minute + we did it without any men! :)
If any of you know my mom she is truly an angel and the most handy one at that! She took the toilets out too.
Thanks mom!
We painted this bathroom a Yellow-ish creamy color, took out the vanity, got a new mirror, new light fixture + new sink and hung some shelves. We just had to replace both toilets, because ew! The germaphobe in me definitely came out!

I decided to decorate this bathroom in London decor because my husband served his mission there. It's still not finished completely but hopefully soon I'll find the missing pieces and it will all come together!

The stairs

My sweet inlaws came over twice and painted this for us. You can't really tell but my father in law made a plank to be able to get to the tippy top! And the framed window --Pictured below. I told you they were beautiful!

Upstairs Bathroom

We painted the entire bathroom the same pretty yellow-ish cream color that we did downstairs and decided to pull the laminate flooring out and get it tiled. My moms neighbor boys did the downstairs bathroom and the upstairs and we couldn't be more happy with how it turned out! Thank goodness my mom knows how to clean a shower! It was the most disgusting thing you guys! Thanks to her it's good as new --although, I miss my inlaws shower. Embarrassingly enough, the first 3 weeks we were in this house I still went down to their house to shower! haha.

This is the before picture of Kueyn's bedroom and right now it's just a room of boxes and things waiting to be put in their right places. His crib isn't even in there yet! Like I said, it's all a big work in progress. It is painted though, the same light blue color :)

Kyren's room. Multiple times we would ask Kyren which room was his and he would go back and forth between the two. Eventually, this is the one he stuck with. It's more like a toy room with a bed in it ;) Like we have said many times in this post...there is work to be done! There will be things hung on the wall, curtains up, and decorations. We just haven't gotten there just yet!

He slept in that big boy bed like a champ. The first night we were here we put him in it and thought it'd be a rough long night. It turns out he went right to sleep and didn't come in to our room at all the entire night. It was the strangest + greatest thing. We haven't been so lucky lately, he climbs out and literally destroys his room. He get's destructive and throws everything..not to play with it, just to make a mess. Two year olds!

Master Bedroom

--All of the doors in the house were that creamy color. So this Summer we will be taking them all of, going outside, and spraying them a bright beautiful white! I couldn't be more excited to get that done and over with! I'm welcoming the sunshine with open and big arms!

all downstairs was this dark dark red color. Originally I wanted a gray with a slight blue tint. It is definitely blue but I'm happy with it!

We are all still adjusting. In fact, I've had the hardest time of all. I genuinely and truly love my in-laws with everything in me! Living there was the greatest thing that could have happened for me personally. Kyren was truly the happiest playing downstairs with his grandparents and knowing we were just upstairs. I bawled my eyes out the moment we pulled out of the driveway and there are days that my heart truly hurts to be there again...But we welcome this new adventure and are excited to have a place to call ours!

Again, I can't thank everyone enough. Thank you for painting, thank you for cleaning, thank you for offering your opinions on where shelves should be hung, thank you for bringing us food, thank you for watching our boys, thank you for making this place exactly what I wanted it to be. You're all the very best there is, and I mean it!

Thanks for reading, xoxo!

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