Tuesday, April 4, 2017

All things Kyren

You guys, when did my littlest boy get so big?!! --OR as he would say in a low growly voice "BIG BIG BIG"
He is the character of all characters! His personality is as big as his attitude and his heart even bigger.
I could go on and on about all of the things he has thrown fits about or the naughtiness that this feisty one is made of BUT instead today I'll go on and on about the goodness he has within him!

--I had just gotten both of the boys bathed. We were walking downstairs for a night full of Popcorn and early bedtimes. Kyren was holding my hand down the stairs while Jace walked behind with Kueyn. Just before we had taken our last step Kyren stopped me in my tracks and said "mom, mom, MOM" As I stopped and asked him "what" he very sweetly and excitedly said to me "MOM! You are beautiful"!!! What?! My heart pretty much a puddle on the floor turned and picked this little one up off the step, hugged him real tight, and told him "thank you" I mean, where did he come from?!! When did he even learn that big ol' word?!

--Awhile ago, my husband taught Kyren about being friends. Ever since he has been the biggest advocate for being someone's friend. Life lessons right? One particular morning, I was really really having the hardest time keeping my eyes open. Ky made sure to keep bugging Kue which in turn was bugging me. I had just started to tell Kyren to stop it when all of a sudden he wrapped his little arms around my legs, squeezed real tight + said "mom, we fwends" over and over again. My heart. He does this every night plus some!
--He has this evil laugh and it's just about the funniest + cutest thing. If he is really wanting your attention he will very slyly get you in to his room (or when we're at grandma's the playroom) pulling you by hand, quickly shutting the door behind you, and then he looks at you with a little Kyren smirk and say "HA-HA-HAAAAA"

--Jace opens things by using knives. So in the mornings I would try ever so hard to drag out the amount of time I had to stay in bed. I learned my lesson! One morning I came downstairs to a bag full of candy scattered all the way down the hall in to the kitchen. The table chair moved over to the counter and laying right in front of it was candy wrappers and all sorts of different knives! The little smartie pants had quite literally fended for himself and opened the candy with knives just like his dad would have done. Like they say "they are always watching"!

--Last week I had told Kyren if he let me get my work done I would play with him outside while Kueyn took a nap. I just barely had finished sending my sister in law a text and sat down on the cement to play all things boy aka cars, tractors, trucks, etc. He came and grabbed my phone and kept telling me "table. inside..table" and asked me if that was okay. I told him "yeah, go ahead." after sitting my phone on the table inside he came back out, looked at me, pointed his finger at me and said "no more phone" Oh Kyren. You kill me.

--He pretty much thinks Kueyn is the cutest thing to ever exist on this Earth...and I'm super biased but I mean, I think they are both the cutest ever! But Kyren will make it be known to be and Jace every day! "Oh Kue-eeee cute mom, kue-ee cute" "aweeee he's cuuuute" every now and then you'll think he says cute but instead he'll say "kue-eeee toot" haha! He's all about the little ones. He is always asking where Stratty is or having to check out the window to make sure baby Kohler is asleep before he can get in to his own bed. There was a little babe on a commercial and he could have sworn that it was Kohler on the tv!

As Kyren would say
--Pop-torn = Popcorn
--Warrrk = Walk
--Say cheese
--Jace = Dad
--Where's mommy's phone?!!
--Where's Jace phone?!!
--Ready. Set. GO.
--Ilk = Milk
--Gummy = Gum

As Kyren does
--He literally can work Snapchat better than I can. No joke!
--Takes his little toy bin from downstairs to the back door and tells me "outside" every.single.day
--Robbing Kueyn of any toy he's currently playing with. UGH!
--Is obsessed with pushing Kue in the stroller + going on walks.
--He calls + facetimes grandma, papa, and dad on a weekly/daily basis.

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