Thursday, February 26, 2015

Without even knowing it!

Where does the time go?

I can't believe that nearly five years ago I was a Senior in high school.
With BIG big dreams.
I was sending a missionary off,
thought maybe I'd go on a mission myself.
Went to Cosmetology School
partied with the worlds best of friends!

had the money for what I wanted.
Bought a new car
and jammed to every new hit song with my girls.
I dated
crushed hard
and then burned.
Made some major mistakes
and became ultimate best friends with my sister!

And then...I met him.
The wonder boy that changed my entire life, world, and forever.
Jace, the boy that would soon and very quickly become my Mr.

For those of you who don't know our story you can find it here.
and while you're at it you might as well look here at our beautiful engagement!

and then quickly and very shortly after we were married
we were blessed with the greatest blessing.

A sweet, precious, beautiful, and perfect little boy!
I still can't believe that I am a wife, I am a mom.
I didn't marry that Missionary,
I don't regret sending him off, or 'waiting' or 'not waiting'
I don't regret staying out too late or spending my money on myself.
I don't regret any of it.
Because it has all led me here. It has all led me up to this point in my life.
The //best// point in my life.

I am thankful.
I love my husband he is indeed my most perfect guy.
In high school my group of friends had this notebook.

We each took turns writing and we each made a list of our "perfect" guy.
Who knew that three years later I would find my notebook guy in real life?!!
and thankfully so.
He works so hard for our family,
makes time for me and plays with our son daily.
I love his testimony, his silly faces..and well I just love everything about the guy!

I love our son. I have loved watching him grow.
Watching him discover new things that we take for granted
everyday has completely turned my world around.
I am so thankful for the little things when I watch him
think they are the biggest things!
He makes me happy!

My life is nothing, not even close, to what I thought it would be.
But it's beautiful and it is my kind of perfect.
It's chaotic, messy, and sometimes completely out of control
but above all it's everything I wanted it to be without even knowing it!

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