Thursday, February 26, 2015

Keeping up with the Ropelato's

//Hello cute blog reader's//
It's been quite awhile since I've made the time to make any kind of blog post.
But today is the day.
The baby is napping, the house is cleaned and i'm actually home.

Kyren is growing like a weed. [[a beautiful one]]
He is 8 months almost 9 and it's
all very bitter sweet.
a little bit of bitter and a lot of sweet!
and everyday he melts my heart more and more.
I consider myself the luckiest and the
most blessed to call him my son.

The little guy has had plenty of Dr. Appointments as of recent.
He was 17.8 lbs. at his last visit and
I'm sure even bigger now.
and I'm definitely feeling it!
The little guy had Croup one week
and then the next week he had RSV.
Mom was sick at the same time.
It's been a germ fest around here and quite the sick party.
Don't feel too left out that you weren't invited.

I celebrated my 23rd birthday in January.
Birthdays were always huge growing up
and I always want them to be.
I mean everyone deserves to be celebrated!
Husband took off the day beforehand and
we started the day off by sleeping in
and then getting me a CTR ring, shopping at the mall,
going to Zupas with my Mom, Brini, and Jackson.
Afterwards we went to Fiiz then came home and
relaxed and played with Ky a little bit.
Later that night Jace took me to Tepanyaki
I had never been and have wanted to try it for quite some time.
It didn't disappoint either.
Even the Mushrooms were yummy. And there are few things I hate more!
We came home and had family over for Cake and Ice Cream.
Just short and simple and exactly how I like it!

What else is there? Oh yes, how could I forget?!!
Lunch with the Besties.
How crazy is it that we have babies, married, pregnant
and are dating and having fun?
It was so fun to see everyone, to catch up, and
realize how important girl time
and friendships are even when you're old.

I love you girls!
to infinity and beyond.

Let's take a small break and have a little
Mommy and Son photo op.
I will never ever deny my obsession with pictures.
I will also never deny my obsession and love for Ky.
I never want to forget these memories we are making
and so I will try to capture every moment we have.
BIG and small.
Always looking his best for Church Sunday's.

'Hi. I'm 8 months!'

My constant shadow and best secret keeper!

We had a little helper during family scripture study.

Why are candid pictures always the best pictures?!!

and just one more because I can't help it
and because his little open mouthed-wet-sweet kisses
are the absolute very best and extremely rare!

We went to the temple with Jace's parents.
Boy, did I struggle getting there.
I have a real difficult time leaving my babe!
Probably more so than I should.
For some reason,
every time we plan on going
Kyren has the worst time sleeping..
leaving us completely exhausted.
But we made it,
and I'm so happy that we did.
It was exactly what I needed!
It gave me that extra little boost
that sometimes we all need to continue on.

Thank you Heavenly Father from the
very bottom of my heart for
forgiving me, strengthening me,
testing me, and blessing me!
Everything I have I owe to you!

These two though.
I'm so thankful for them both.
They fill each day with so much love, joy,
and laughter.
It's true that your family
really are your best friends!
I love you Mama and I love you Brini Baby!
and am thankful for your friendships.
Even imagining a life without you both
is heart wrenching!

Thank you for all that you
do for my little family.
You adore Kyren
and he SO adores you.
Thank you for allowing him
to change your lives
and for being such a huge example and impact on his.

Won't you be my Valentine?!! PC@SabrinaLemmon
We have never really been big on Valentines Day.
In fact, neither of us think we need a holiday
to show each other we love each other.

Year after year we say we aren't going to do anything.
and year after year a beautiful arrangement of flowers
show up on our doorstep.
The day before Valentine's day
just so Jace can say he didn't celebrate it.
and year after year I end up doing something.
//so much for absolutely not celebrating//

Just some quick pictures on our Valentine's.
Whether we celebrate it or not..
I do completely LOVE and adore these two
and am so grateful I have them to love!

The MANY many faces of my Ky Bug.
Could he get any cuter? precious? adorable?
fun to look at? or Asian? haha!
Now you all see why I am so extremely obsessed
and absolutely in love with this little mini.

Those little tippy toes, his cheesy grin, and ugh. He's the cutest!

Kyren Jace Ropelato:
8 almost 9 months.
Busy busy busy.
Loves his food and is always surprising us by just how much he'll eat.
Throws a ball like a champ.
Kicks a ball like daddy.
Pulls himself up on anything he can get his hands on.
Destroys the house in a matter of seconds.
Loves his giraffe's and all other stuffed animals.
Love playing with the tupperware.
Enjoys any kind of 'non-baby-food'
is looking so SO big in his crib.
Hearing him say ma ma ma
is perhaps the most rewarding thing ever.
Although, he did say da da da first.
His love is balls. Any type.
Claps and claps some more.
And he has this Mommy wrapped around his finger
...and Daddy too!
Is the absolute smartest little stink //ever//
I am astonished at the things he picks up
and his curiosity in everything.
If we could all be a little more like a child
I feel like our hearts and minds would be a little
more open, a little softer, and a little more capable
of becoming like our Heavenly Father.
He finds so much joy in such small things!
So here is to being more like Kyren!
and hoping it doesn't take me so long to journal again.

Oh yeah, Ky's gums have sprouted two precious and very sharp teeth!

and he's not only crawling but he's cruising!!

Until next time :)

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