Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Being a MOMMY.

Does it ever seem to slow down? Ever?
I feel as if time never ever stops and well it doesn't.
I've been thinking a lot lately about being a mom and what it means to me.
I have read a number of articles about motherhood,
seen countless posts on Instagram about mommy-hood **mine included.
and I am now a Mommy of my all time favorite little!

I can't help but think of my own mom when I hear the word.
I can only hope that I myself can become the Mother to my Son
as she is the Mother to me. She inspires me, knows me,
keeps my secrets, does my hair, forgives me, cheers me on,
gives me time, energy, and herself. She truly is an Angel, my angel.
and let's not forget that not only does she love me but she loves
my Mr. and my darling boy.
I don't ever. EVER. want to imagine a lifetime without her.

I've been a mom for 19 months now. (and yes, I count my entire pregnancy)
it has completely changed my entire life and even more so, me.

Being a mom is going to bed late, waking up early, and checking on the little one(s)
numerous times to make sure nothing is wrong. Please tell me I'm not the only one
making sure your little babe is breathing.

Motherhood is worrying about every little cough,
rash, squeak they make, or bump on their head. Is he getting enough to eat? Is this
bite too big? Is he learning enough? Was that there yesterday? Should I call the Dr? Am I overthinking this? and so on.

Mommy-hood is getting excited about things that we, as adults, take for granted
every.single.day! Like throwing a ball, waving, standing, clapping, crawling,
pointing, and the list only continues to grow as does that little bundle of joy!
Motherhood is hurting when they hurt. The first real bump on their head, the first time they
fall off their bike, or miss a step. Their first little bruise, the teething, allergies,
sicknesses, and probably even that first heart break and every heart break after that.
You feel it all.

Being a mommy is taking in every single hug, wet kiss, feeding, and
every snuggle that you can. Because one day they will grow up!
They will still need you but not to the extent that they need you today.
Motherhood it is being exhausted, a walking zombie, a pushover, overly protective,
nurse, comforter, teacher, over bearing, snuggler, absolute hardest, busiest, funniest,
happiest, most worthwhile rewarding full time calling I've ever EVER been given.

I love it. I love being able to have man so willing to work SO much and SO hard to make it
possible for me to stay at home with my mini me everyday. It's not always easy but there is absolutely
nowhere else that I would rather be.

He has taught me so much. He makes my heart so incredibly happy. Hearing him say ma-ma-ma..there are
very few greater things in this life. His hugs are priceless and his little cheesy grin is the
cherry on top. Watching him and his daddy is every Christmas morning all combined in to one.
Kyren you bring out the very best in me; my happiest self, patience, loving and protective self.
You, right there along with your daddy, are such HUGE blessings.

I love you. I love the little human that you are.
I am sorry when I lose my temper and I admit that I occasionally need a break.
But I promise you that just like Daniel Tiger says, "Grown-ups come back" And I will.
Even when I am away, which isn't often, you are constantly on my mind.
and coming home to you is an absolute favorite of mine!

I have such BIG hopes and dreams for you and when I look in to your ever so sweet and
determined face I know in my heart that you were sent here to do some amazing amazing things.
In the short fast ten months that you have been here, and have been in our home and in our family
you have made some GIGANTIC and ever lasting impacts. I am so thankful that you are mine and I am
so incredibly grateful and SO honored to be YOUR mother!
I pray so SO hard and so SO much that you will ALWAYS need me...Because, I will ALWAYS need you!!!

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