Sunday, March 3, 2013

We're Engaged

February 16th, after working a long and dreaded seven hours of work the idea of going out that night didn't seem so appetizing. My feet hurt, and I really just wanted to lay down, cuddle, watch a movie and do nothing too adventurous. But Jace had planned and made arrangements to take me to the Roof, in Salt Lake, for Valentines two days before...and who in the world could pass up an opportunity to eat there?! Jace had told me that before we had to leave that night that I needed to come home and help Sabrina pick out an outfit for her date. Arriving home my sister seemed a little bit more worried about my outfit than her own. After checking myself in the mirror for what seemed to be an eternity amount of times I never found myself being pleased with my hair. It was a typical bad hair day, go figure! Sabrina and Jace kept asking me why I was so concerned about my hair we were just going to dinner. Apparently, my soon to be fiance' thought I knew he would be proposing that night. Eventually, I moved on from the bad hair thing and decided we could head down to Salt Lake. Once we got in the car I had asked him how talking to my dad had gone and told him how awkward he had been acting haha. Little did I know what the night would bring. We drove around for probably ten fifteen minutes trying to find a parking spot and then when we found one it was far enough away that we froze. We had about an hour and a half before our reservations so we decided we'd walk around City Creek Mall and him being the perfect man let me go look around Forever21. Then we took a detour, in the cold, and I was asking him if he had gotten my ring yet and if we could just go buy the $45 ring at Walmart and get married with that. I was fine with it :) We got in to the building and decided to look at the temple and then we went and sat down. About half an hour later we went and let them know that we were there and they handed us a beeper. By 9:15 at night I was starving, I ate almost a complete small bag of Swedish Fish in the car and Jace wanted me to save my appetite for the large dinner we were about to eat. The beeper went off and it was officially our turn to dine in what I think is one of the most beautiful, perfect places to eat in the world. We were seated by the windows, nearest to the piano and right next to the stairs. It made it a straight shot to the all you can eat food...which lets face it I don't think we could have gotten any luckier. The salad with anything on it that you could even imagine, strawberries, roasted ham, fish, delicious potatoes, cooked name it, and they probably had it. And then the dessert, oh my gosh the dessert. Random Fact: The Angel Moroni is actually massive. It was already a perfect night, how could it even get any better? After talking in between courses about anything and everything anywhere from Saturday's Warrior, to our future wedding, to our families, and how to get the recipe to their desserts and lemonade. The waiter had brought us our check and like half an hour later it was still sitting there. I asked Jace, probably in what seemed to be an impatient manner, why our waiter hadn't come back yet. He laughed and told me that he hadn't put his card out. I responded, "well are you going to"? he laughed, and reached in his pocket pulling out his card and placing it in the folder. They gave us some chocolates, and asked our waiter to take a picture of us, he gladly accepted. We stood up and for the second time that night Jace had me move to the other side of him...looking back that was a little odd but at the time I must have not thought anything of it. After walking out we both went to the bathroom and met back out on the couches. When he came out he was on his phone and I asked who was talking to him. He told me that it was his mom asking how dinner was...which I thought nothing of. He sat down next to me and I asked him if he was ready to go. He told me his stomach hurt and that he just needed a minute. A few minutes later we got up, and he said to me "lets go look at the temple" haha I said "again"? I mean it is beautiful, stunning, and so perfect but we had looked at it before dinner, and all during dinner. Seriously, like a minute later he said "okay, let's go" haha it was the most strange thing. So we were walking out the doors and instead of turning to go back to our car he turned toward the temple. I asked him where we were going and he told me that we were just going to walk around the temple. All I could say is "it's freezing!" We got in front of the pond at the temple and he stopped me. He said "I love you so much, Keri" and I obviously said "well I love you too baby" and went in to give him a hug. He pushed me away. He then said "and I want to spend forever with you" and I said to him "I want to spend forever with you too honey. I went in to hug him and don't worry, he pushed me away again. I asked him "why are you pushing me away"?! That's when he finally let me hug him for a quick second and he pushed me away again...Reached in to his pocket, knelt down on one knee...and asked "will you marry me"? I don't think there has been a happier moment in my life up to this point. I asked him if he was serious? and said "YES YES YES"!!! :) Random people in the back started cheering us on and chanted "temple marriage" Sabrina and Danny were there snapping pictures and my future in laws were there recording the entire thing. Poor Sabrina and Danny were there freezing for forty five minutes in the freezing cold, and his parents were running a little late...which is why Jace took a little longer than usual to pay the waiter. And his stomach was hurting because he was a nervous wreck. He made me stand on the other side of him because my flawless ring was in his pocket. He completely surprised me. He lied to me; he told me he didn't have my ring, and that he wouldn't propose before my mom made it back from St. George...Probably the best lie that i'll ever hear for the rest of my life. Thank you to everyone who made our special day so absolutely special! We're both so happy, and are so ready to start our next and newest adventure, a life together and all eternity.