Thursday, December 18, 2014

Ky's Half Birthday!

My baby is SIX months!
What? How?!!
When every parent in the Universe said
"It goes by way too fast"
They weren't messing around.

I can honestly say that it has been the
longest, most exhausting, six months of my life.
But don't be fooled,
it has also easily been the greatest, most rewarding, exciting, and fastest
six months of my life.

I can't imagine my life without my little sidekick.
I admit, sometimes he makes me want to pull my hair out.
and some days are just plain hard.
Somehow at the end of the day, I look at him in my arms
and it hits me like a ton a bricks. Literally.
How incredibly blessed I am.

Kyren does a great number of things:
(But to name a few)
1- Sits up on his own.
2- Eats baby food.
3- Sucks out of a straw.
4- Burps on his very own.
5- Laughs. Giggles. and Chuckles.
6- Knows his name.
7- Sings himself to sleep.
8- Sleeps all through the night.
9- Rolls. ALL over!
10- Is starting to crawl. He is rocking on his hands and knees!
11- Attempting to eat paper, or anything else he can get his hands on.
12- LOVES church music. Popcorn popping, Ouch! It stung me,
and all other Nursery Rhymes.
13- Anything he isn't supposed to have.
14- Daddy time.
15- And is seriously the happiest baby when he wakes up!

Kyren hates just a few things:
2- Getting his nose wiped.
3- When Mommy walks out of the room.
4- Being put down.
5- Not being the center of attention.
...and that about sums it up.

I'm so proud of my little monkey.
He continues to grow, develop, and learn new things EVERYDAY!
He is always amazing and impressing me!!!

I really can't picture my life any differently.
Nor do I remember the days without my baby.
He is THE best thing, right along with my sweet hubs.
Together, the DUO of them both are my greatest achievements
biggest blessings.

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