Thursday, December 18, 2014

Fun in the Sun!

We were lucky enough to have a month full of vacations.
and this vacation I was especially looking forward to.
My older sister, Amy, and her husband, Spencer were flying in to Vegas.
So why not pack up the family and go spend a week down in Sunny St. George?

The first section of picture is Las Vegas.
We decided to stay a day since we'd be there picking up Amy and Spencer.
Since we didn't have much time, we had to party all in one night.
We even walked the strip...which is something I had never done.
Little Kyren was a trooper, and slept the entire time.
...even through the banging drums, singers, and LOTS of time going up and down elevators.

Ky was seriously such a trooper!
He slept the entire time we walked the strip.
with the banging drums, the smoke, the huge crowds
and everything else on the strip.
Such an angel babe.

Because only my all star family would
help lay grass on vacation :)
Go Team!

My sister and bro in law in Texas
are having their sweet first baby.
So we threw her a surprise shower,
since we won't be there for the baby.

They will be the BEST parents!

Tuacahn. The Little Mermaid.
Nothing better!
Ps. We left the baby with a sitter
whom we didn't know.
but we both made it!

#1 Auntie!!!

We did quite a bit of hiking!
We packed the little guy around, and he was so good!

Father-Son time at it's finest!

This was at the end of the great trip!
Very sadly, Sabrina and Jackson left early that morning
to get to the Broncos vs. 49ers game.

I couldn't have asked for a better time with my sweet family.
My favorite part about it all was just sitting around the table;
playing games, laughing, snacking, and talking.

Until next time.

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