Monday, December 22, 2014

A happy December to us and a Merry Christmas to you!

Merry Christmas from the Ropelato's
Picture Credit: Sabrina Lemmon.
Card Credit: Debbie Jones.

We love Christmas around here.
I absolutely forbade
any Grinches!
I guess Kyren didn't get the memo ;)

We honestly thought that he'd love the
red guy with the big belly and white beard.
1 because my dad has a beard
and 2 because we had showed him Santa often,
and said HO-HO-HO and he'd laugh.
Little did we know we would capture his
darling crying face instead.

This Christmas Season we have enjoyed so many GREAT things
and taken way too many pictures.

We went to the Festival of Trees.
I dressed Ky a little too warm
and ended up with a sweaty baby the entire night.
What a great cause though.

This was Jace's cousin, Brielle's tree.
You know, it really actually broke my heart.
It hits so much closer to home when you have
your own little boy. The thought of losing your child.
I just. Oh. I can't imagine!
The strength of others amazes me.

This little bugger got in to his Christmas presents early.
I didn't even bother
wrapping it again.
He's too smart that little Ky.
He has even attempted opening his daddy's.
For some reason, I think
that he's the only one that could get away with it.

My one hope is that even though the presents
are so fun, we can teach him
the true meaning of Christmas.
The feelings, the love, giving, and remembering.
My sweet sister snapped some pictures of us.
This is one of my favorites.
It captures us perfectly!!

Luckily, this December hasn't been too burry.
I've been a slacker on finding this little man
a warm Winter coat.
We tried this 12 month coat on him.
Let's just say he's a tiny little thing.

A tiny little thing that has a BIG
place in my Mommy heart.
and so does the sweet lady holding him.
I have felt so much gratitude for my mom,
everything I am, everything I have
I owe to her and my dad.
Plus, they love and overly adore my precious babe.

Funny story about this next picture.
Ky and I went to lunch with my mom and Jace.
My mom was being the spoiling grandma
that she is
and let Ky suck on her straw.
..which had some Coke in it.

The little Smartie Pants, he totally learned how
to suck through the straw.
This picture was taken just seconds after he
got a gulp of caffeine.
He loved it!
After thinking it was just a fluke
we tried it again, no fluke ladies and gents.
He now knows the straw sucking technique :)

and LOVED that pop. Unfortunately, I probably
got him addicted when he was in my tummy!

There is nothing better
than a Sunday Church Selfie.
I'm proud to say, I have the all time
most handsome-darling-dapper of dapperest looking babies.
He rocked the
church suit attire.
Thank you Grandma Ropey for thinking of him
when you saw this
cute little piece.
We love it.
We love you.
We love him.

Ding ding ding.
Some great big news!
This special lady, best friend, wifey, and sister
is about to gain another title.
I can't tell you how happy
we are for both of these cuties.
Brini has been the best with Ky.
Or in her words 'Ky-Pie'
and Ky absolutely adores
'Uncle Jack' and 'Auntie Brini'
We LOVE babies. Congratulations you two darlings.

Because there is nothing better
than the Sunday before Christmas
and our church going little man.

He truly makes Sunday church meetings
busier, louder, and way more exhausting.
BUT the Sunday naps
way more longer, warmer, and sweeter!

I am so thankful for my Eternal Family,
my primary kids, time with loved ones,
friends, my testimony, the atonement,
the Gospel, my Savior, and this
special Christmas season.

Ps. I admit I love playing dress up
with my little man way more than I should.
But, I better get it all in before he
can say no!

Oh that sweet little baby face.
I could kiss it all day long.
and when I say ALL, I mean it!

I keep telling Jace that I'm
just not sure that we can have
any more little ones.
..because, I don't know if I
could ever love anyone else
as much as I do him.
Is that horrible to say??

This Christmas, I have so much to
thank my Heavenly Father for.
But I want to publicly thank Jace;
My husband, my better half,
my baby daddy, my provider and so much more!
Thank you for making it possible for me to
stay home with our angel! Thank you for being
the best daddy to our son. Thank you for loving us,
putting up with us, and giving us everything we have.
We love you!!
and little Ky..We love you more than you may ever know.
We are so thankful you came into our lives when you did.
unexpectedly but never regretted.
We adore you. EVERY little piece of you!
And for Santa Clause who represents
Giving, loving, serving, and so much joy.

Thank you Heavenly Father for all that I have!
Merry Christmas to all.
Love, the Ropelato's.

Ps. Stay tuned for some Family Parties on the blog next.
It may not be posted until after Christmas.
I'm starting to think it's time
to fully enjoy the next three days before Christmas,
my baby, my hubby, my family,
our beautiful tree, and the Christmas traditions
in the making.
Happy Holidays my friends!

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