Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Ky's first Christmas

Hi Darlings,
I hope everyone enjoyed their White Christmas.
What wasn't to love?!!
Loves ones, traditions, chowing down on all those sweets
and enjoying the Christmas Spirit.
I love it all.

Our family has a tradition of
Christmas Jammies on Christmas Eve.
Before opening them though, we all read a Christmas Story.
Unfortunately, this was the only picture we captued of Ky
before we put his other ones on.
These ones turned out to be a little bit big.
It's one of my favorite traditions
and it's one that I hope will stick
throughout the years.

If you're new to the blog
then you don't know who these lovelies are.
Meet the Lemmon's.
Sabrina, Jackson and little Miss Em.
also, they are having a little one in July.

We love doing things with these two.
They are the all time fun party couple.
They are non stop entertainment.

Emree is the cutest with her
little baby cousin Ky.
She also loves his toys, and
giving him kisses on the cheek.

Some of our all time favorite people!
We love you guys.

Meet the Phillip's.
This too is such a fun clan to be around.

Jennika, is my sister and has
5 beautiful, energetic children.
Brakken, and his
girlfriend Sierra,
Mekena, Kamdynn, Drake and Brooxon.

Love this picture
and we love them!

Don't mind the attire, and no makeup look.
But how could I not post this gift?
My parents are the best!!!

For the last few months, my mom has been
asking us what we wanted for Christmas.
I told her multiple times
we just wanted our bills paid off.
She wouldn't accept it.

She really wanted to give us a freezer.
..we were kind of hesitant! haha.
She mentioned a grill
and we were sold.

Dun Dun Dun!
A grill it was.
Merry Christmas to us.

You guys, I've wanted a picture
of the Bountiful Temple
for I don't know how long.
Jace was going to wait to
give me this present
for my birthday
BUT he couldn't help it.
I got it early and I'm so happy he caved.

It's gorgeous. He's gorgeous.
and I love it!!!
Thank you Husband.

This little one got SO spoiled.
He got more toys than one baby needs.
He got so much, so much!
and yet, he wanted the paper
and the boxes.

He even cried when we took it away.
He throws the ultimate temper tantrums.

Give him a box and he's happy.

Seriously, they melt my heart!
Jace got a 49ers Pillow Pet for Christmas
and was teasing Kyren with it.

He loves playing with his daddy! In fact,
everything is more fun when Dad is around.

I'm so thankful for the Father that Jace is.
and watching them together is more than
I could ask for. It's true, I could do it all day!

I know it's not the best picture
in the entire world.
BUT his smile, the way Jace is looking
down at him.

It's my entire world.
and it is our life to the T.

This is the aftermath.
We caused some serious damage to my parents house.

This was right after the presents were opened.
Everyone around the tree,
no sounds of wrapping paper
but sounds of
laughter and joy.
This is what Christmas is about!

I think Ky really enjoyed his first Christmas.
Toys, Wrapping Paper, Boxes,
all are in his definition of fun!

Jace and I decided to not go so big this year.
..and it was probably the best decision
that we could have made. ever.
It helped us focus on the
reason for the season.

I told him this year I wanted time!
Time with him, with Ky, and with our families.
and it's exactly what I got.
and it turns out
that it was my all time favorite present!

My heart could have burst with love.
Love for these two, for our families, and
thankful for them making it the Christmas
I wanted to have.

My family.
for time and Eternity.
They are the best of the best.
I'm thankful for our Christmas together.
I'm grateful for the time I got with
these sweet people.
I'm blessed for them in my life.
My whole entire heart belongs to them!

I wish so badly, Christmas could
last year round. I truly believe,
it brings out the best in everyone.
and most importantly in me.

I'm thankful for my Savior,
I'm thankful we could celebrate him.
I'm thankful for my Heavenly Father,
for blessing me with these gems in life.
My heart is full.
So so so completely full.

Ropelato Family Christmas Party

Pictures from the annual Ropelato Family Christmas Party.

Seriously, aren't they the cutest crepe' paper Santa's?!!

Santa Maely!

Santa Myka!

Santa Ryder!

Santa Gavin!

and our sweet sweet little ones!

Because they have the cutest father-son relationship!

Shelby and Kyle

Yours truly

Kaylee and Josh's Family

Blake and Mary's Family

Shelbs and Grandpa and Grandma

Grandma and Grandpa with the Grands.

Monday, December 22, 2014

A happy December to us and a Merry Christmas to you!

Merry Christmas from the Ropelato's
Picture Credit: Sabrina Lemmon.
Card Credit: Debbie Jones.

We love Christmas around here.
I absolutely forbade
any Grinches!
I guess Kyren didn't get the memo ;)

We honestly thought that he'd love the
red guy with the big belly and white beard.
1 because my dad has a beard
and 2 because we had showed him Santa often,
and said HO-HO-HO and he'd laugh.
Little did we know we would capture his
darling crying face instead.

This Christmas Season we have enjoyed so many GREAT things
and taken way too many pictures.

We went to the Festival of Trees.
I dressed Ky a little too warm
and ended up with a sweaty baby the entire night.
What a great cause though.

This was Jace's cousin, Brielle's tree.
You know, it really actually broke my heart.
It hits so much closer to home when you have
your own little boy. The thought of losing your child.
I just. Oh. I can't imagine!
The strength of others amazes me.

This little bugger got in to his Christmas presents early.
I didn't even bother
wrapping it again.
He's too smart that little Ky.
He has even attempted opening his daddy's.
For some reason, I think
that he's the only one that could get away with it.

My one hope is that even though the presents
are so fun, we can teach him
the true meaning of Christmas.
The feelings, the love, giving, and remembering.
My sweet sister snapped some pictures of us.
This is one of my favorites.
It captures us perfectly!!

Luckily, this December hasn't been too burry.
I've been a slacker on finding this little man
a warm Winter coat.
We tried this 12 month coat on him.
Let's just say he's a tiny little thing.

A tiny little thing that has a BIG
place in my Mommy heart.
and so does the sweet lady holding him.
I have felt so much gratitude for my mom,
everything I am, everything I have
I owe to her and my dad.
Plus, they love and overly adore my precious babe.

Funny story about this next picture.
Ky and I went to lunch with my mom and Jace.
My mom was being the spoiling grandma
that she is
and let Ky suck on her straw.
..which had some Coke in it.

The little Smartie Pants, he totally learned how
to suck through the straw.
This picture was taken just seconds after he
got a gulp of caffeine.
He loved it!
After thinking it was just a fluke
we tried it again, no fluke ladies and gents.
He now knows the straw sucking technique :)

and LOVED that pop. Unfortunately, I probably
got him addicted when he was in my tummy!

There is nothing better
than a Sunday Church Selfie.
I'm proud to say, I have the all time
most handsome-darling-dapper of dapperest looking babies.
He rocked the
church suit attire.
Thank you Grandma Ropey for thinking of him
when you saw this
cute little piece.
We love it.
We love you.
We love him.

Ding ding ding.
Some great big news!
This special lady, best friend, wifey, and sister
is about to gain another title.
I can't tell you how happy
we are for both of these cuties.
Brini has been the best with Ky.
Or in her words 'Ky-Pie'
and Ky absolutely adores
'Uncle Jack' and 'Auntie Brini'
We LOVE babies. Congratulations you two darlings.

Because there is nothing better
than the Sunday before Christmas
and our church going little man.

He truly makes Sunday church meetings
busier, louder, and way more exhausting.
BUT the Sunday naps
way more longer, warmer, and sweeter!

I am so thankful for my Eternal Family,
my primary kids, time with loved ones,
friends, my testimony, the atonement,
the Gospel, my Savior, and this
special Christmas season.

Ps. I admit I love playing dress up
with my little man way more than I should.
But, I better get it all in before he
can say no!

Oh that sweet little baby face.
I could kiss it all day long.
and when I say ALL, I mean it!

I keep telling Jace that I'm
just not sure that we can have
any more little ones.
..because, I don't know if I
could ever love anyone else
as much as I do him.
Is that horrible to say??

This Christmas, I have so much to
thank my Heavenly Father for.
But I want to publicly thank Jace;
My husband, my better half,
my baby daddy, my provider and so much more!
Thank you for making it possible for me to
stay home with our angel! Thank you for being
the best daddy to our son. Thank you for loving us,
putting up with us, and giving us everything we have.
We love you!!
and little Ky..We love you more than you may ever know.
We are so thankful you came into our lives when you did.
unexpectedly but never regretted.
We adore you. EVERY little piece of you!
And for Santa Clause who represents
Giving, loving, serving, and so much joy.

Thank you Heavenly Father for all that I have!
Merry Christmas to all.
Love, the Ropelato's.

Ps. Stay tuned for some Family Parties on the blog next.
It may not be posted until after Christmas.
I'm starting to think it's time
to fully enjoy the next three days before Christmas,
my baby, my hubby, my family,
our beautiful tree, and the Christmas traditions
in the making.
Happy Holidays my friends!

Thursday, December 18, 2014

Ky's Half Birthday!

My baby is SIX months!
What? How?!!
When every parent in the Universe said
"It goes by way too fast"
They weren't messing around.

I can honestly say that it has been the
longest, most exhausting, six months of my life.
But don't be fooled,
it has also easily been the greatest, most rewarding, exciting, and fastest
six months of my life.

I can't imagine my life without my little sidekick.
I admit, sometimes he makes me want to pull my hair out.
and some days are just plain hard.
Somehow at the end of the day, I look at him in my arms
and it hits me like a ton a bricks. Literally.
How incredibly blessed I am.

Kyren does a great number of things:
(But to name a few)
1- Sits up on his own.
2- Eats baby food.
3- Sucks out of a straw.
4- Burps on his very own.
5- Laughs. Giggles. and Chuckles.
6- Knows his name.
7- Sings himself to sleep.
8- Sleeps all through the night.
9- Rolls. ALL over!
10- Is starting to crawl. He is rocking on his hands and knees!
11- Attempting to eat paper, or anything else he can get his hands on.
12- LOVES church music. Popcorn popping, Ouch! It stung me,
and all other Nursery Rhymes.
13- Anything he isn't supposed to have.
14- Daddy time.
15- And is seriously the happiest baby when he wakes up!

Kyren hates just a few things:
2- Getting his nose wiped.
3- When Mommy walks out of the room.
4- Being put down.
5- Not being the center of attention.
...and that about sums it up.

I'm so proud of my little monkey.
He continues to grow, develop, and learn new things EVERYDAY!
He is always amazing and impressing me!!!

I really can't picture my life any differently.
Nor do I remember the days without my baby.
He is THE best thing, right along with my sweet hubs.
Together, the DUO of them both are my greatest achievements
biggest blessings.

Fun in the Sun!

We were lucky enough to have a month full of vacations.
and this vacation I was especially looking forward to.
My older sister, Amy, and her husband, Spencer were flying in to Vegas.
So why not pack up the family and go spend a week down in Sunny St. George?

The first section of picture is Las Vegas.
We decided to stay a day since we'd be there picking up Amy and Spencer.
Since we didn't have much time, we had to party all in one night.
We even walked the strip...which is something I had never done.
Little Kyren was a trooper, and slept the entire time.
...even through the banging drums, singers, and LOTS of time going up and down elevators.

Ky was seriously such a trooper!
He slept the entire time we walked the strip.
with the banging drums, the smoke, the huge crowds
and everything else on the strip.
Such an angel babe.

Because only my all star family would
help lay grass on vacation :)
Go Team!

My sister and bro in law in Texas
are having their sweet first baby.
So we threw her a surprise shower,
since we won't be there for the baby.

They will be the BEST parents!

Tuacahn. The Little Mermaid.
Nothing better!
Ps. We left the baby with a sitter
whom we didn't know.
but we both made it!

#1 Auntie!!!

We did quite a bit of hiking!
We packed the little guy around, and he was so good!

Father-Son time at it's finest!

This was at the end of the great trip!
Very sadly, Sabrina and Jackson left early that morning
to get to the Broncos vs. 49ers game.

I couldn't have asked for a better time with my sweet family.
My favorite part about it all was just sitting around the table;
playing games, laughing, snacking, and talking.

Until next time.