Friday, May 16, 2014

It's been ONE year.

It has been one year. One year of firsts. One year of changes. One year in a new home, our home. One year trying to figure out how to bake a fluffy cookie. One year of Top Raman and Mac and Cheese. One year with two families. One year of being Primary Teachers. One year of disagreements. One year of making up. It has been one year since we went through the Bountiful Temple together, engaged, and walked out hand in hand, married. It has been one oh so beautiful year of being sealed to my Eternal Companion, and best friend!

I cannot begin to express how thankful and blessed I am for the man that I get to call my husband. We have had an amazing first year of being married and lets just say a very very busy and crazy one too. Lets face it though, I wouldn't have it any other way.

We have done so much and made so many fun memories. Please bare with me as I try to recall some of our funnest and not so fun times :)

1- Birth Control. Hahaha! Lets just say Jace was such a trooper. Poor guy, had to put up with so much. Definitely an experience never to be had again, ever. (For both of our sakes)
2- We are Primary Teachers. Both of our classes have been pretty dang large! We now have 11 little kiddo's running around, adoring my husband. One of the little's even told his parents Jace was his BFF. How cute is that?
3- We went to Joe's Crab Shack. I've never been and Jace, along with my sister and brother in law love it. We thought we'd make a date out of it and celebrate my birthday. Shrimp is not my thing. I stuck with a Hamburger and Fries.
4- Have I mentioned I am pregnant? Oops. We were married 4 months and boom a little Jace Jr. decided he wanted to be part of our little family. At the time it was unexpected, a huge surprise, and quite overwhelming...and now, I can't imagine it any other way.
5- Morning Sickness. Oh kill me now! Seriously, I never understood how some women love LOVE love to be prego. I'd say i'm not one of them...This pregnancy has been so rough. From running to the bathroom at work, church, mom and dad's, the in laws, and after every dang thing I ate here at home. Let's not forget not quite making it to the Walmart Bathroom and holding it in my mouth during Sacrament, literally. So embarrassing. We even made a trip to the ER. Again, honey you are a champ!
6- I quit my job. Not only did I hate it but I also found myself not being able to make it in as much as I was scheduled because I was so sick. Thank you Husband for making this possible!
7- I went to Lava for my first time ever. Jaces family thought it'd be fun to go camp and have a weekend away. So fun, until I got a little too dehydrated and literally felt so sick.
8- My sweet little Jersey girl had to be put down. She was such a precious little thing, and my little cuddle night time bug. Yes, I know I talk about her like she's my baby. She was.
9- We watched my biological sisters 3 little girls. I have so much respect for mommy's and daddy' certainly is not an easy task. But really, they are the cutest things.
10- I played Battle Field for my hubby once..just once though! I didn't even die. I think I might have also stayed on the very edge of the game though the entire time.
11- I have enjoyed watching my husband play Soccer, indoor and outdoor. We even went to Jackson and I got to sit in the pouring rain a big majority of the time. Don't worry though, I wouldn't change it.
12- Caramel Apples at City Creek. Oh how I love you! Yes, we have made the trip a time or two just to get one. :) No regrets.
13- Jace Surprised me with a night away. Such a sweetie! We also went to the Ice Castles and got to see Olaf, Elsa, and Anna. So beautiful and so fun!
14- We dressed up like Pirates for Halloween. It was the funnest thing to get ready and prepare for. Although, very hard not to tell our families my eggo was prego, since we had just found out earlier that week. We were that couple that had to do those couple costumes! I'm happy about it though.
15- And lets not forget all those nights we had our air mattress blown up, and in the family room for like the first month of our marriage. I am thinking of doing it all over again too.

I may have learned a thing or two:
1- I am not always right. I would like to think I am. But turns out the husband is a lot smarter than me.
2- When you think you have something planned or decided..God goes and shows you his way is the best way.
3- Coke is good for you, and so is the ice!
4- It's a lot harder to be married than one would think. It's the best thing, and also the hardest!
5- Money. I swear it's the cause of all stress.
6-I have definitely come to see who my true and real friends are. Thanks to each of you :)
7- I married the greatest, most patient, understanding, caring, and loving man. No one could replace you.
8- Apparently I can't drive as great as Jace does because he's always criticizing my driving skills.
9- Sometimes I need to suck it up and be a woman.
10- "His side" of the bed always seems to be bigger than my side.
11- Late Friday night is PS4 time with the guys.
12- It's okay to stop being so stubborn and maybe end the silent treatment and/or apologize.
13- I have it so good. I have a nice house, a running vehicle, food in my fridge, the Priesthood in my home, a growing baby inside of me, two lovely families, air conditioning, and the most perfect husband for me! Life could not get any better.

I just want to say thank you to Jace for making my life the greatest and for making every dream of mine come true. You never fail to make my day. Thank you for making me laugh, and comforting me when the cookies don't turn out. Thank you for going on walks with me even though you feel as if it's doing nothing for you. Thank you for taking care of me and this baby and making us your BIGGEST priority. Thank you for giving me blessings when I feel so weak. Thank you for making me a Mommy. Thank you for being the best part of my day when you walk through that door from work. Thank you for always making the decisions. Thank you for cuddling me until I fall asleep when I know you just want to go play your video game with your friends. Thank you for making sure we read our Scriptures and kneel to pray. Thank you for choosing me to be your wife. Thank you for always forgiving me and choosing to look passed my faults. Thank you for taking me through the temple. I'm so thankful for you. I'm thankful for all that you do; BIG or small. I know I don't say it nearly enough and I promise to do better. I promise to work on becoming the best me, and the best wife for you, and mom to our baby. Thank you again and again my sweetheart.

I love you. Happy ONE year anniversary baby.
I look forward to many wonderful years and eternity with you!

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