Thursday, May 15, 2014

Dear Little Man Ropelato,

Dear Little Man,
We are so excited and anxious to meet you. It's been a very worthwhile but long, hard, and trying 35.5 weeks ya know? Being pregnant with you has been the rockiest roller coaster but also the funnest. Your Mama had morning sickness up to six months of pregnancy and off and on ever since. Lately, I've been experiencing quite a bit of pain, discomfort, and long nights. Your Grandma keeps saying that I'll forget about it all when I see your precious face and hold you in my arms. Somehow, and someway, I know that that statement is a true one!
(Photo Credit: Sabrina Lemmon)
Your Daddy and I have had some talks recently. I mean a long with the 'I wonder who he'll look like' 'will he be a good baby' 'what if he's not good at sports' we've had some much more, lets say, meaningful talks. Talks about things we hope you'll do, things we've done that we so deeply hope you won't do, and things we would like you to know.

I would like to share those things with you here and now.

1- The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints is true. It is the truest of true things you'll ever know and I hope you live. I know now in Heaven, you are probably thinking 'Mom, of course it's true!' But when you make your way to this world, that will only get more and more evil I hope you are able to remember those things which matter most.
2- Your daddy is truly one of the greatest men you will ever know. He loves you so much! I saw it from the very moment I told him you were coming. I saw it when he put ear phones on my belly just to see you move. I see it when he is taking care of me, your Mommy. I see it when he leans over and talks to you. I see it when he talks about the dreams he has for you. I see it when he talks about the wonderful sports player you will be. I see it all the time and because of that great love for you I know you are of one of the blessed ones that get to call him your Dad!
3- Now because of that great and sweet love that we have for you you are probably going to get a little upset with us more than just a little bit. You'll definitely disagree, maybe slam the door, tell us how wrong we are, and maybe even disobey us a little. But I'll tell you right now it's that 'tough love' thing. I'm sure you'll understand one day, but for now, I hope just knowing we love you is enough.
4- We want so much for you. Your Daddy and I were both given the entire world by both of our Parents, and your Grandparents. We want that for you. We only hope to be able to let you play every sport you wish. To try everything you want to. And to give you the entire world.
5- 16 years from now, you'll start to date. Please remember to call the girl and ask her out. Take lessons from your Dad. He really can teach you how to charm the socks off of that sweet girl. Open the door, say please and thank you, be yourself, and don't you dare kiss her on the first date!
6- And when it comes to kissing...Let me just say, we both wish so much that we could be one of the few that could say we were each others first kiss. We can't. I know that there is lots of pressure in the world, lots of beautiful girls, and let's be honest some day, years from now, you'll think it's the greatest thing ever. At that point, please remember who you are and be true to that person. Remember, what you do then will have to be told to your future Mrs.
7- You have two of the most amazing families you could ever ask for.
Don't be afraid to lean on them, ask them all the questions you can, and rely upon them. Go put Grandma's groceries away, and mow the lawn for Grandpa... and more often than not please go sit and drink a Coke with them, just visit them and spend time with them. They all love you so much and want just as much good for you as we do.
8- When life gets hard, and it will. Always remember it's not over. It'll be difficult to look at situations differently but once you do you'll realize some of your greatest trials are God's tender mercies in disguise. Push through it. When life gives you Lemons make Lemonade.
9- Be kind. Help others. Listen. Don't give up. Make learning a priority. Be a friend. Pass the ball. Put the toilet seat down. Smile. Visit your grandparents often. Hug your mom. Be like your Father. Learn how to cook a meal or two. Enjoy the small things. Wear your seat belt. Listen to good music, none of the screaming junk. Attend church. Pray always. Be respectful. Open that door for the Mom with the stroller, and help that elderly woman get the groceries in the car. Repent. Take your education seriously. Wash your hands. Brush your teeth. Eat those Veggies. Don't swear. and always always remember who you are and where you come from.
10- There is SO much I want to say and SO much more that I want you to know. This list of things will only continue to grow throughout the years. But for now, above all, I want you to know that I love your dad. He is in fact my everything; my eternal companion, perfect match, better half, biggest fan, and my entire world. He has taught me so much and he can and will teach you too. He gives the worlds best hugs and is always there to brighten the day, take advantage of it. Don't let him fool you, he knows how to clean a bathroom and he can cook some killer meals, including Top Ramon. He looks forward to the day he can be your coach. Please not only let him do so, but please enjoy this sweet time you have with him. He has a H.U.G.E testimony of the Gospel. Please ask him to share it with you. He's the biggest goofball. I'm sure he'll embarrass you more than once...I hope you'll choose to sit back, and enjoy it. Little man your daddy is the best. I love him so much and I really cannot think of a better guy to be my Husband and your Daddy. After all, he made me your mommy!

I know right now that this list means nothing to you. But my hopes of hopes is that one day you read this and know that these things we want you to know are very important to us. We have such BIG hopes and dreams for you! We know that life won't be easy, in fact, i'm sure it'll be much more challenging and trying than ours has been. We were so hesitant to bring a child in to this world but find great comfort in knowing God has saved his greatest warriors for these last days. So here's to you Baby Boy for being one of our greatest blessings, most loved little bundles of joy, and greatest warriors. We know you are ready for this battle here on Earth and will be cheering you on E.V.E.R.Y step of the way!

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