Friday, May 16, 2014

It's been ONE year.

It has been one year. One year of firsts. One year of changes. One year in a new home, our home. One year trying to figure out how to bake a fluffy cookie. One year of Top Raman and Mac and Cheese. One year with two families. One year of being Primary Teachers. One year of disagreements. One year of making up. It has been one year since we went through the Bountiful Temple together, engaged, and walked out hand in hand, married. It has been one oh so beautiful year of being sealed to my Eternal Companion, and best friend!

I cannot begin to express how thankful and blessed I am for the man that I get to call my husband. We have had an amazing first year of being married and lets just say a very very busy and crazy one too. Lets face it though, I wouldn't have it any other way.

We have done so much and made so many fun memories. Please bare with me as I try to recall some of our funnest and not so fun times :)

1- Birth Control. Hahaha! Lets just say Jace was such a trooper. Poor guy, had to put up with so much. Definitely an experience never to be had again, ever. (For both of our sakes)
2- We are Primary Teachers. Both of our classes have been pretty dang large! We now have 11 little kiddo's running around, adoring my husband. One of the little's even told his parents Jace was his BFF. How cute is that?
3- We went to Joe's Crab Shack. I've never been and Jace, along with my sister and brother in law love it. We thought we'd make a date out of it and celebrate my birthday. Shrimp is not my thing. I stuck with a Hamburger and Fries.
4- Have I mentioned I am pregnant? Oops. We were married 4 months and boom a little Jace Jr. decided he wanted to be part of our little family. At the time it was unexpected, a huge surprise, and quite overwhelming...and now, I can't imagine it any other way.
5- Morning Sickness. Oh kill me now! Seriously, I never understood how some women love LOVE love to be prego. I'd say i'm not one of them...This pregnancy has been so rough. From running to the bathroom at work, church, mom and dad's, the in laws, and after every dang thing I ate here at home. Let's not forget not quite making it to the Walmart Bathroom and holding it in my mouth during Sacrament, literally. So embarrassing. We even made a trip to the ER. Again, honey you are a champ!
6- I quit my job. Not only did I hate it but I also found myself not being able to make it in as much as I was scheduled because I was so sick. Thank you Husband for making this possible!
7- I went to Lava for my first time ever. Jaces family thought it'd be fun to go camp and have a weekend away. So fun, until I got a little too dehydrated and literally felt so sick.
8- My sweet little Jersey girl had to be put down. She was such a precious little thing, and my little cuddle night time bug. Yes, I know I talk about her like she's my baby. She was.
9- We watched my biological sisters 3 little girls. I have so much respect for mommy's and daddy' certainly is not an easy task. But really, they are the cutest things.
10- I played Battle Field for my hubby once..just once though! I didn't even die. I think I might have also stayed on the very edge of the game though the entire time.
11- I have enjoyed watching my husband play Soccer, indoor and outdoor. We even went to Jackson and I got to sit in the pouring rain a big majority of the time. Don't worry though, I wouldn't change it.
12- Caramel Apples at City Creek. Oh how I love you! Yes, we have made the trip a time or two just to get one. :) No regrets.
13- Jace Surprised me with a night away. Such a sweetie! We also went to the Ice Castles and got to see Olaf, Elsa, and Anna. So beautiful and so fun!
14- We dressed up like Pirates for Halloween. It was the funnest thing to get ready and prepare for. Although, very hard not to tell our families my eggo was prego, since we had just found out earlier that week. We were that couple that had to do those couple costumes! I'm happy about it though.
15- And lets not forget all those nights we had our air mattress blown up, and in the family room for like the first month of our marriage. I am thinking of doing it all over again too.

I may have learned a thing or two:
1- I am not always right. I would like to think I am. But turns out the husband is a lot smarter than me.
2- When you think you have something planned or decided..God goes and shows you his way is the best way.
3- Coke is good for you, and so is the ice!
4- It's a lot harder to be married than one would think. It's the best thing, and also the hardest!
5- Money. I swear it's the cause of all stress.
6-I have definitely come to see who my true and real friends are. Thanks to each of you :)
7- I married the greatest, most patient, understanding, caring, and loving man. No one could replace you.
8- Apparently I can't drive as great as Jace does because he's always criticizing my driving skills.
9- Sometimes I need to suck it up and be a woman.
10- "His side" of the bed always seems to be bigger than my side.
11- Late Friday night is PS4 time with the guys.
12- It's okay to stop being so stubborn and maybe end the silent treatment and/or apologize.
13- I have it so good. I have a nice house, a running vehicle, food in my fridge, the Priesthood in my home, a growing baby inside of me, two lovely families, air conditioning, and the most perfect husband for me! Life could not get any better.

I just want to say thank you to Jace for making my life the greatest and for making every dream of mine come true. You never fail to make my day. Thank you for making me laugh, and comforting me when the cookies don't turn out. Thank you for going on walks with me even though you feel as if it's doing nothing for you. Thank you for taking care of me and this baby and making us your BIGGEST priority. Thank you for giving me blessings when I feel so weak. Thank you for making me a Mommy. Thank you for being the best part of my day when you walk through that door from work. Thank you for always making the decisions. Thank you for cuddling me until I fall asleep when I know you just want to go play your video game with your friends. Thank you for making sure we read our Scriptures and kneel to pray. Thank you for choosing me to be your wife. Thank you for always forgiving me and choosing to look passed my faults. Thank you for taking me through the temple. I'm so thankful for you. I'm thankful for all that you do; BIG or small. I know I don't say it nearly enough and I promise to do better. I promise to work on becoming the best me, and the best wife for you, and mom to our baby. Thank you again and again my sweetheart.

I love you. Happy ONE year anniversary baby.
I look forward to many wonderful years and eternity with you!

Baby Shower #2

Thank you to my sweet Mother and Sister In Laws for throwing me and baby our 2nd great Baby Shower!
First things first, I need to say thank you! To everyone, who made it to this shower or the last one. I have been so overwhelmed by the love that has been shown for both baby and I. Thank you so much for showing up, and for completely spoiling us both. I am truly touched by the love you have shown me and my little growing family!

We played this fun little game! Everyone was asked to draw a little baby. I wish I would have taken a Pic of the winner.

^^^cutest little suit ever! Thank you to Aunt Sabrina and Uncle Jackson.

My talented mom made these darling Car Seat Covers. Seriously she's the best!

It's hard to even imagine feet so small^^^

and this is what we call our baby corner! That has now expanded to the entire Front Room.

Yes, we were given a crib AND a crib mattress. Thank you so much! You have no idea how much stress has been lifted off of my shoulders. I feel so overwhelmed by your generosity and love!

^^So spoiled!

This darling Diaper Cake was from my last shower! Thank you thank you!!!

Like I said, I am so overwhelmed by the love I have felt from each of you. Thank you to all of you for helping me feel like this baby can come. Thank you for showering us with all these fun, pricey, sweet, and thoughtful gifts. I wish I could thank each of you again and again verbally and in lots of hugs! :)

Thursday, May 15, 2014

Dear Little Man Ropelato,

Dear Little Man,
We are so excited and anxious to meet you. It's been a very worthwhile but long, hard, and trying 35.5 weeks ya know? Being pregnant with you has been the rockiest roller coaster but also the funnest. Your Mama had morning sickness up to six months of pregnancy and off and on ever since. Lately, I've been experiencing quite a bit of pain, discomfort, and long nights. Your Grandma keeps saying that I'll forget about it all when I see your precious face and hold you in my arms. Somehow, and someway, I know that that statement is a true one!
(Photo Credit: Sabrina Lemmon)
Your Daddy and I have had some talks recently. I mean a long with the 'I wonder who he'll look like' 'will he be a good baby' 'what if he's not good at sports' we've had some much more, lets say, meaningful talks. Talks about things we hope you'll do, things we've done that we so deeply hope you won't do, and things we would like you to know.

I would like to share those things with you here and now.

1- The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints is true. It is the truest of true things you'll ever know and I hope you live. I know now in Heaven, you are probably thinking 'Mom, of course it's true!' But when you make your way to this world, that will only get more and more evil I hope you are able to remember those things which matter most.
2- Your daddy is truly one of the greatest men you will ever know. He loves you so much! I saw it from the very moment I told him you were coming. I saw it when he put ear phones on my belly just to see you move. I see it when he is taking care of me, your Mommy. I see it when he leans over and talks to you. I see it when he talks about the dreams he has for you. I see it when he talks about the wonderful sports player you will be. I see it all the time and because of that great love for you I know you are of one of the blessed ones that get to call him your Dad!
3- Now because of that great and sweet love that we have for you you are probably going to get a little upset with us more than just a little bit. You'll definitely disagree, maybe slam the door, tell us how wrong we are, and maybe even disobey us a little. But I'll tell you right now it's that 'tough love' thing. I'm sure you'll understand one day, but for now, I hope just knowing we love you is enough.
4- We want so much for you. Your Daddy and I were both given the entire world by both of our Parents, and your Grandparents. We want that for you. We only hope to be able to let you play every sport you wish. To try everything you want to. And to give you the entire world.
5- 16 years from now, you'll start to date. Please remember to call the girl and ask her out. Take lessons from your Dad. He really can teach you how to charm the socks off of that sweet girl. Open the door, say please and thank you, be yourself, and don't you dare kiss her on the first date!
6- And when it comes to kissing...Let me just say, we both wish so much that we could be one of the few that could say we were each others first kiss. We can't. I know that there is lots of pressure in the world, lots of beautiful girls, and let's be honest some day, years from now, you'll think it's the greatest thing ever. At that point, please remember who you are and be true to that person. Remember, what you do then will have to be told to your future Mrs.
7- You have two of the most amazing families you could ever ask for.
Don't be afraid to lean on them, ask them all the questions you can, and rely upon them. Go put Grandma's groceries away, and mow the lawn for Grandpa... and more often than not please go sit and drink a Coke with them, just visit them and spend time with them. They all love you so much and want just as much good for you as we do.
8- When life gets hard, and it will. Always remember it's not over. It'll be difficult to look at situations differently but once you do you'll realize some of your greatest trials are God's tender mercies in disguise. Push through it. When life gives you Lemons make Lemonade.
9- Be kind. Help others. Listen. Don't give up. Make learning a priority. Be a friend. Pass the ball. Put the toilet seat down. Smile. Visit your grandparents often. Hug your mom. Be like your Father. Learn how to cook a meal or two. Enjoy the small things. Wear your seat belt. Listen to good music, none of the screaming junk. Attend church. Pray always. Be respectful. Open that door for the Mom with the stroller, and help that elderly woman get the groceries in the car. Repent. Take your education seriously. Wash your hands. Brush your teeth. Eat those Veggies. Don't swear. and always always remember who you are and where you come from.
10- There is SO much I want to say and SO much more that I want you to know. This list of things will only continue to grow throughout the years. But for now, above all, I want you to know that I love your dad. He is in fact my everything; my eternal companion, perfect match, better half, biggest fan, and my entire world. He has taught me so much and he can and will teach you too. He gives the worlds best hugs and is always there to brighten the day, take advantage of it. Don't let him fool you, he knows how to clean a bathroom and he can cook some killer meals, including Top Ramon. He looks forward to the day he can be your coach. Please not only let him do so, but please enjoy this sweet time you have with him. He has a H.U.G.E testimony of the Gospel. Please ask him to share it with you. He's the biggest goofball. I'm sure he'll embarrass you more than once...I hope you'll choose to sit back, and enjoy it. Little man your daddy is the best. I love him so much and I really cannot think of a better guy to be my Husband and your Daddy. After all, he made me your mommy!

I know right now that this list means nothing to you. But my hopes of hopes is that one day you read this and know that these things we want you to know are very important to us. We have such BIG hopes and dreams for you! We know that life won't be easy, in fact, i'm sure it'll be much more challenging and trying than ours has been. We were so hesitant to bring a child in to this world but find great comfort in knowing God has saved his greatest warriors for these last days. So here's to you Baby Boy for being one of our greatest blessings, most loved little bundles of joy, and greatest warriors. We know you are ready for this battle here on Earth and will be cheering you on E.V.E.R.Y step of the way!

Monday, May 5, 2014

Baby Shower #1

It's safe to say that Baby Showers are so much more fun than Wedding Showers :) not that my weddings showers weren't fabulous! There's just something about getting miniature sized clothes, soft fuzzy blankets, and anything and everything in between for your little Angel. I did not feel ready at all to have this little guy, and now I can actually breathe and sigh a BIG sigh of relief that he will have some lovely and fun things to enter in to this world to. Have I mentioned how excited I am?! My mom and sister did an absolutely amazing job at planning the best and the cutest shower. ever. They put so much time and hard work in to it and I'm so happy they did. The end result was perfection!
^^these adorable invitations and raffle tickets my sweet sister in law made! Please go check her out and like her on Facebook at this link

Isn't this to die for? Sabrina is seriously the most creative person I know. Loooove it!

and then there were these ^^^ little Safari Animal Cupcakes! Also, to die for!

Tissue Paper Safari Animals! Again, my sister is one talented cookie! Need a planner for ANY event? She's your girl!

Darn I wish the lighting wasn't so awful! "Welcome Baby Ropelato" Banner! The Cutest.

Because every girl needs a little something something to dress her up! :) My cute Lion Boutenir.

Jungle Themed Balloons! My absolute perfect theme.

And then you throw in some amazing people!

First, this beautiful ray of sunshine! She seriously worked on this Shower of mine for weeks. She has spoiled our little Jace Jr. rotten already AND she even got her Tetanus/Whooping Cough shot just so she could hold our baby.

These Beauties. I'm so happy to call them my friends! No matter what stages in life we're all in or how long it's been they are some of my biggest supporters. Thank you to each of you for making it! Love you all.

Cutest baby award? This little guy! Seriously though is he not the most beautiful little thing. My best friend with her Angel Baby. You can bet we're going to have baby play dates!

Little Miss Diva loveeeed those cupcakes!

Yes, this is an old picture of my mom and I but scrolling through I didn't get any with her :( and my mom is the lady who helped make everything happen! I couldn't leave her out. I love you Mama.

And then there are presents, and presents...and some more presents.

A HUGE thank you to my mom and sisters for buying me this cute Jogging Stroller!
We kept saying we couldn't have this baby until we had a car seat.
Hoping not to jinks myself but it's now safe for Baby Ropey to make his arrival.

Can you believe his little head will fit in that^^^

Diaper Raffle = Total Success!!!

Just a quick snapshot of all the gifts I was showered with. I wish I wasn't so lazy and could pull every individual thing out. But lets face it this growing belly makes it a lot harder for me to do things...especially bend over ;)

Have I mentioned how much cuter baby clothes are than maternity? Oh these make me all so happy!

and after a long day it feels especially good to just sit back, let your swollen feet relax, feel that baby belly, and drink some cool Lemonade with your cute niece! :)

Thank you all for coming to my Baby Shower. It's so hard to express how truly grateful I am for giving us your time, and making me feel so special and important in your lives. I can't wait to put all these fun gifts to use.
Stay tuned for Baby Shower #2 coming up this weekend.