Sunday, July 3, 2016

Cabin Fun

We went camping a few weeks ago with Jace's side of the family and oh guys was it a heck of a ride.
Kyren definitely was not the most pleasant to be around the majority of the week which unfortunately, made for an unpleasant mom to be around.

It's almost disappointing to openly admit how many times I lost my "cool" with my sweet little one. There were nights he wouldn't fall asleep until 3:30 in the morning and then decided he wanted to be up at 5:00 screaming for literally hours on end. One night it was SO bad that I told Jace I was leaving and if our car wouldn't have been blocked in I certainly would have.

If any of you know our little Ky-Bug you know that he is stubborn as all get out. Take Jace and then add in a bit of myself and you get Kyren aka the most stubborn 2 year old you'll ever meet. It's a constant battle between the 3 of us and I'll be honest we rarely win the war.

He walked around with the four wheeling helmets on almost 24-7 and it was the cutest.
Anyway, I didn't take too many pictures because...well, I had my hands full with a grumpy two year old instead of the camera but I was able to capture a few of the good moments we had.

He played with Shelby for what had to be a good two hours straight. Between putting on, taking off, trading helmets, and reading books he was a happy camper and so was I. Thank you Aunt Shelby for giving this mom a much needed mom break!

Anyways, we did get to enjoy the Manti Pageant while we were down there and Kyren was a hoot. He is one funny with a heck of a personality little boy when it is just Jace and I around him but other people rarely get to see his goofy side. Well if anyone was watching they definitely got in on some of what Jace and I get to witness! He danced. He giggled. and he honestly was just so fun to watch! I can honestly say he behaved better those two hours than the entire week.

and because these two just melt my heart! Kyren adores his dad and I adore their relationship with each other. He may be a mommy's boy but when dad is around he can always be found not too far behind. These two will be best buddies as Kyren gets older and that I'm sure.

Here's to hoping that there will be far easier camping trips and a much happier baby... Of this I'm sure, our time as a family of 3 is coming to an end and we will soon have another little baby with us. As hard as life can be with just us I will definitely miss the one on one time I will get with Ky and being able to give him so much of my undivided attention.

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