Sunday, June 12, 2016

Kyren turns 2!

"My sweetest, handsome boy. Today you are two! you are a busy-full of energy-smart-charming, with a heart of absolute Gold little go-getter who made me a Mom on this very day two years ago. Every time I think about it, my heart aches but only because I love you SO much! I feel like I have always known you, loved you, and like you've always been mine. Happy birthday to my littlest mini, daddy's little follower, and big big brother. We love you!"

Keeping up with Kyren:
1- You are 23 lbs and 33 inches tall.
2- You have a mighty kick and are bound to be an all-star (just like your daddy)
3- You love your fruits, juice, and anything with sugar!
4- You are as stubborn as they come. **We keep asking you to say 2 and you just won't...unless, it's on your terms when not any one is asking.
5- You say cheese, one and two, please, thank you, welcome, hot, baby, cheese, tickle, choo-choo, sorry, bye, let's go, come on, goal, ow, cookie, Jace, dad, mom, grandma, mine, football, ball, beep-beep, Brina, Stratty, and a number of other things.
6- You know how to open the door to the garage and the garage door :(
7- You can climb out of your crib but instead yell "mom-mom-mom" to come to your rescue.
8- You have had a number of ear infections and may be getting tubes in those small little ears.
9- You have been slowly refusing to nap but if we're lucky you'll go right down and sleep for a few hours.
10- You hate diaper changes, going to bed, and when you don't get your way.
11- You kiss moms belly, and tell little brother to wake up! Let's be real, you're in for a real treat when this little babe makes his debut...I think we are too!
12- You could live outside and you would if we would let you. You enjoy 1-3 Popsicle's a day! --Parents of the year award.
13- You have a major melt down when we leave grandma's and an even bigger melt down if I tell you we can't go to Grandma's at all.
14- You hands down win the award for best and cutest laugh!

To celebrate being two the three of us went to the Hogle Zoo for Ky's very first time. Here's a few pictures to show his sweet little celebration! Thanks for letting us spoil you.

--He may want me a lot of the time but he is truly happiest when Jace is home with us. It has been something real special to watch the two of them together; to interact, to ride Four Wheeler's, to kick balls, to tickle Mom, to watch Kyren fall asleep on Jace's shoulder, to see Jace teach him and sometimes get after him for hitting mom, and really just to watch them eat together, or brush their teeth. It really is the most simplest of things that make my mommy heart happy but to watch my husband and my son together truly warms every part of me!

--Dear Kyren, you entered our lives at a time we weren't expecting you and thought "waiting" to start our family would be the best. I'm so SO thankful our all knowing Heavenly Father had a better and a much different plan for us. You stole my heart at first sight. You my littlest love were the absolute sweetest, easiest, and happiest tiny babe and you have grown in to the busiest, full of tantrums but most loving little boy! I can't tell you how many times you've made the journey, the day, and often even the hour worth it! You melt my heart.

--Funniest thing, his very favorite animals at the entire Zoo were the Sea Otters. I'm sure it's because he loves the Water and could see them swimming below it. But we visited them multiple times and was nervous of all the other animal statues except this one!

You make us happy. We love you SO gosh dang much! Happy birthday to you my favorite two year old and here's to another great year of change, laughter, growth, and memories.

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