Saturday, August 2, 2014

You darling, are precious!

Kyren Jace Ropelato

"How it amazes me, you're changing with every blink
Faster than a flower blooms they grow up all too soon.
So let them be little 'cause they're only that way for a while.
Oh just let them be little"

"I never knew how much I loved your daddy
until I saw how much he loved you"

Jace, I am so thankful for the sweet daddy that you are.
I know that sometimes I'm a little
too mama-bear-ish
and overly protective

but I thank you for wanting to tickle our son, throw him in the air, and spin him in circles.
I know that you will be his all time favorite best friend, and I secretly already know you are the "fun" parent.

"Having my baby fall asleep in my arms
takes away all of my worries and stresses.
A sense of complete and total peace
comes over me"

Every minute I hold you I feel the Spirit.
I'm not sure if it's because of all the Angels gathered around you
or if it's because
you ARE my sweet and perfect Angel.

However I do know that you, my Angel Baby,
have already touched the lives of
so many people.
You pull at our heart strings, ya know?
I can't wait to see the great warrior
that you will one day be.
I just know you have BIG things awaiting you.
Photo Credit:: Sabrina Lemmon

"Every good and perfect gift is from above"
Photo Credit:: Sabrina Lemmon

Today as I sat you in your carseat
you started screaming
that sad sad cry..
I had to pick you up.
Then you did it again, and again, and again.
Every time I sat you down.
I decided I needed to bounce you. (ALL 7 times)

I caught you staring intently to the side.
I started talking to you, like I usually do.
"What are you looking at"?
"Who's over there"?
Usually you look at me and respond to my voice.
Nope, not this time.
You kept looking over there.
After a few more times of turning your head and you instantly turned it back

I realized what you were set on staring at.
A picture of our Savior, Jesus Christ.
I got chills. I got emotional.
I may have let a tear fall or maybe two.

I know you know so much more than we do.
I know you still talk to Angels.
I know that when you're sleeping
and that cute smile comes out
you're playing with the Angels.
I know that they sing you back to sleep.
I know that our Savior has held you
just like the sweet child in this picture.
HE loves you.
and WE love you!
Thank you Kyren Jace for being ours.
For letting US love you.

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