Tuesday, July 29, 2014

you know you're a mom.

You know you're a mom...
1- when you catch yourself rocking everything you're holding. I mean everything; the curling iron, a cell phone, a blanket. yada yada and so on.
2- when scrolling through your phone every picture is or has your little guy or girl in it.
3- I don't know if it's just me but I get emotional SO much easier and SO many more things just warm my heart.
4- when you jump for joy when you get 4 hours of sleep at a time.
5- when changing a diaper at a fast pace and your hubby says "wow babe you're getting fast" is one of your greatest accomplishments.
6- when alone time with your spouse is pretty non existent and when you do get it you find yourself talking about and missing your baby...or wanting to sleep.
7- when you feel more like a cow than a human.
8- when you would rather buy your little human something rather than that cute dress or have-to-have-shoes!
9- when that inner Mama Bear comes out more often than you'd like to admit.
10- when you look around and baby stuff is literally everywhere.
11- when you get so frustrated, and at your wits end that you have NO other choice but to turn to your Heavenly Father.
12- when the first songs that come to your mind are lullabies, and church hymns.
13- when you see a whole different side of your husband. One of the absolute best sides.
14- when the one thing you don't leave the house without is the Binky instead of the Cell Phone.
15- when you all of the sudden can't imagine life any other way than without your significant other and precious baby.
16- when your laundry consists of messy baby clothes, and your dishes of bottles and more bottles.
17- when your heart just skips a few beats when they coo or smile at you. There are far few things better in life!
18- when you can feel the Angels around you because never have you had something so new from Heaven of your very own.
19- when it breaks your heart to see your 6 lbs 10 oz. baby be 8 lbs.
20- when at the end of the day no matter how hard, challenging, or fabulous it was you are so thankful that he/or she is yours and that Heavenly Father is giving you the privilege of being their Mommy!

What's going on with the Ropes?
1- Jace has been playing some Softball on Monday nights. Well last night they were playing in the Championship Game and I would say the crowd and the players were a little bit riled up. A member of the opposing team started throwing the "F" word out and my man of a husband told him to stop because his family was here :) Two Things. One I think I fell in love all over again. and two how sweet is that?! How thankful I am to be married to a man who stands up for not only me, but for our little man, and all of my in laws. I'd say some heart strings were definitely pulled.

2- Kyren is cooing and smiling so much! It is one of my absolute favorite things on Earth. I have always thought he was adorable but he proves to only get sweeter and sweeter everyday.

3- Team Josh anyone? The Bachelorette is over and you guys i'm in love with the Final Rose/Proposal. How cute are they?! I don't care how fake or how real the show is...I'm a definite fan and am going to tell myself how real it actually is.

4- Jace thinks it's the funnest thing to play with our little guy as if he is a 2 or 3 year old. He would throw him up in the air if he really thought he could get away with it. Lucky for Kyren and I he knows better!

5- Kyren throws some major temper tantrums...I know he's only 7 weeks old, today, but he does. After a long day of some crying and these random but few tantrums Jace will come home and take him from me. He'll take him in and lay him on our bed and have what he calls a heart to heart or a serious conversation. They talk all about Heavenly Father, Jesus Christ, and Joseph Smith. I have loved every second of watching these two interact with each other. NO one can get a bigger smile or conversation out of our baby then Jace.

A Realization. A moment.
The other night we were sitting with family. Listening to stories, laughing, and doing the things that families do. I was standing up, bouncing my baby, hoping that he would finally zonk out. I was standing a ways a way from everyone but still close enough to hear the stories people were sharing. Jace kept looking back at me and our baby, and we shared one of our normal everyday winks at each other and Kyren had fallen asleep. As I stood there looking at him, looking at our family, and looking at Jace I had a HUGE wave of emotion come over me.
There was something about seeing everyones families, and seeing my little family of three. I felt so much love for them. I felt so much love for Jace and Kyren. I love them SO much. In fact, it's hard to imagine that I could love them or anyone could love them any more. And for some reason the thought "Wow. Our Heavenly Father must love us SO much"! He loves us so immensely and with such a STRONG and PERFECT love. I know how much I love my family and to think that he loves so perfectly just made my heart so full. In the movies you hear of a 'great love' and let's be real. The love that a woman has for her husband, and a mom has for her child is like no other. I don't have any clue how to compare it or even begin to explain what it feels like. And I know that there is absolutely NO greater love than the love our Father in Heaven has for each of us. I have felt his love for me, personally, so strong these last few days. And I hope never to forget the way that it has made me feel, and the way that it has helped me love.

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