Friday, June 16, 2017

Personal Experiences + Memories

I'm not sure if you guys know this or not but my little family recently purchased a new vehicle.
We were just too crammed in to our Camry and it was time to upgrade. We went through an auction down in Vegas and had never seen the car except in pictures...It had been keyed badly but everything else was exactly what we wanted. We weren't acquainted with how auctions go and we had underestimated how quickly they would need an answer. So thirty minutes later when we let our guy know we'd take it that auction had closed. Well, shoot. Our car man went in to the office and talked to them and we ended up getting it after all. When he called Jace with the news he said "boy, I don't know what you guys are doing but you must be living right because you just got a steal of a deal on that car"

Jace had called me and played a little trick on me and said we hadn't gotten it and I replied with "oh good, because we didn't qualify with America First." --then the loooong pause from Jace came followed by "uh, we got it" hahaha!
Lots of stress followed and I ended up running out to meet Jace to see what we could do. While driving out to meet Jace, with both boys asleep in the back I said a very sincere prayer. He heard, and I calmed right down. Mountain America Credit Union instantly approved us later that night and it was the greatest + quickest-no stress process!

My brother and Sister In law drove the car up to us from Vegas one week later.
Because it was an out of state car we ended up having to pay Sales Tax + registration on it.

Here's where I get a little bit vulnerable with you.
We literally had to empty every last bit of our savings, checking, and use every single penny of Jace's bonus he had just gotten earlier that day. We ended up borrowing money. We had to get our Camry sold ASAP the only problem was is it had quite the mileage on it but still ran amazingly. I listed it on KSL and for 3 weeks heard absolutely nothing. I dropped the price and still nothing. Until Tuesday night when I received a text asking if I still had it. They asked quite a bit of questions and bargained...Wednesday my sweetest mom drove it to Logan with me for them to see it and they bought it! hurray!!!

Here's the kicker and the whole reason behind me writing this post. I want to remember the following.
We needed a certain amount back in order to pay back the money we owed, pay off the loan, put money back in to our savings, and I was dead set on getting enough back to return Jace's well earned bonus. When we had agreed the night before on an amount we were losing $200 that was going towards Jace's bonus. **for some $200 is nothing, to me, I prayed hard for it to be retured to us because my honey works his tail off and deserves it!
The next day I called to see how much the pay off amount was on the car. You guys it was $230 less than what we had figured.

We are very very firm believers in tithing and well doing the best we can with what we have! I was in absolute shock when they told me the loan amount because honest truly every.single.prayer was answered. It was just another very very personal testament to me that Heavenly Father is very real and so is his love for us. He knew exactly what we needed; a few lessons to be learned, a whole lot of faith, and a couple hundred "extra" dollars that seemed like a million at the time. My mom told me multiple times "you guys are living right, it will work out"

**and that it did!!

Sidenote, just because of the sentimental person that I am and because of how hard it was for me to sale my very first car..I leave you with a few memories in it.
1- The first night I had it Madi and I drove to Kaysville to meet up with some boys and after driving 30 something miles in it I felt the need to stop and fill up the tank to keep it feeling brand new. Haha!
2- Sand Dunes and many Dance Parties with my friends.
3- Mine and Jaces very first date to Jamba Juice.
4- Driving to the temple on our Wedding Day and as soon as we saw the Temple I asked Jace if he was nervous and he told me yeah, I wasn't nervous one bit..until, after showing my recommend to the Temple workers.
5- I locked Jace out of the car for 1 1/2 because he wouldn't make a decision hahaha can you say Birth Control??
6- Grabbing on to the door handle in such pain when I was in labor with Kyren but quickly making a pit stop at Taco Bell to get a slush before they wouldn't let me eat a thing.
7- Bringing home Kyren..Here's a random tid bit my mom looked at when I first bought the car on a piece of paper before I sold it and it was 6/10 aka Kyren's birthday.
8- Bonking Kyren's head on the upper handle thingy every time I took him out of his carseat #momintraining
9- Kyren locking the keys in the car while we were moving out of brent and tami's house in the pouring rain.
10- Road trip down to St. George where Kyren slept all except for an hour + camping where Kyren cried all except for an hour.

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