Thursday, July 30, 2015

Our Mini Camper

Where has the time gone?
I swear I say that everyday.

Tonight, the Mr. is playing in a golf tournament
and the teething babe is sound asleep...
So here we are. Me, my thoughts, my Apple Juice, Snickers and Netflix.

We've got some major catching up to do.
I mean MIA should seriously be my middle name these days.
You know what this means...
LOTS of pictures and quick little captions..
at least for the next few posts.

Hoop Lake it was our first adventure of the Summer.
BUT most importantly it was little Kyren's very first camping trip.

That dirty faced-camping-cheeser of a smile.

Believe me when I say that Kyren is a die hard Four-Wheeling Rider.
And i'm pretty sure Jace's most favorite passenger;
no telling him to slow down, to be safe or careful and
would sign 'more, more, more'!

I kid you not..We went on a 6+ hour four wheeling ride.
You didn't hear an angry peep out of this kid, unless we came to a stop.
he dozed off a few times and would laugh when he woke up.
Cutest boy ever.

"Give a man a fish
and you feed him
for a day.
Teach a man to fish
and you feed him
for a lifetime."
--Chinese Proverb.

Best seat in town, my friend.
Momma has taught you well :)

Some of our people.
They told some killer scary stories, helped with our first time camper, and
provided us with countless laughs and memories.

and he's down for the count!

These girls <3

and then a tire two more at different times!
My poor inlaws...they were all troopers.
Meet the fixer upper crew.

And this mighty fine handsome little looker. He melts my heart!

Dirty bums mean super dirty bath water.

Camping was a success. I worried about going in the first place
but am SO glad that we did.
Don't get me was hard, and quite exhausting.
But it is these priceless moments and memories that I will
truly cherish forever.
Until next year, Hoop Lake.

**next up, maybe some swimming, or soccer with the big boys,
Ky's first haircut and maybe just maybe the most perfect precious little baby nephew you will have ever, ever seen!

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