Friday, July 10, 2015

ONE and wiser too!

Who doesn't love a good ol' Monster Bash?
Our sweetest, craziest, growing little monster turned one!

We had family over Sunday night to celebrate
and boy was it a celebration!
any of you that know our mini know that he is SO worth celebrating.

My sister in law made us this to-die-for sign!
It's exactly what I wanted to be and am
thankful for something we can keep forever to remember
his very first year of BIG accomplishments and growth.

//Kyren got spoiled as e.v.e.r.y one year old should!//

Seriously though, his face says it all!

Thanks, Grandma and Grandpa Gray
You hit the nail right on the head!
Our little has yet to get sick of cruising around in his very own truck!

and his very own big boy slide.
A month later and he is climbing up and down those stairs,
sliding and even climbing up the slide part.
Ugh. Boys will be boys!
Thanks Grandma and Grandpa Ropey and Shelbs!

And of course Auntie Brina, and Uncle Jack spoiled him too.

His "ball pit" has become his safe landing from his slide.
Sabrina and Jack gave him this pool with balls.
He LOVES it. and we've found many MANY hidden things.
Ky-Bug seems to think it's where he's supposed to stash everything.

Sabrina was blessed with all the talent between the two of us!
She made Ky's delicious cakes that everyone loved.
They too, were exactly what I wanted.

Thanks Brini!!!

He wasn't quite sure what to do with his Smash Cake.
Yes, i'm that mother that cleans his hands off
just as quickly as he gets them messy.
again, I'm learning to "let go"

...BUT he got the hang of it, and when he did
he was all for it!

Only the best messiest kisses for Momma!

And this. This is about how every single picture goes these days.
**speaking of letting go...
I think it's about time that I start settling for the
running away-blinking-head turned-pictures that I'm getting.
Don't worry I wouldn't trade his curiosity, in all things, for the world!

--and now adorable pictures, of my adorable ONE year old.
(some were taken from Brini, some from me, with lots of help from Daddy)

I couldn't quite possibly sum up how truly amazing this year has been.
Kyren Jace has brought such a sweet irreplaceable spirit into our home
and most importantly into our lives!

It's been a year of learning, lots of patience, and tons of love.
I'm not going to lie some days he makes me want to pull my hair out
but, don't worry, the next minute he has me smiling from ear to ear.

he has the cutest little dimples,
and the greatest fluffiest hair.

He amazes me. He is SO ridiculously smart.
He has the sweetest little smile, and BIG dark brown eyes.
His eye lashes are to die for, and his tummy laugh is the absolute best.

We love him. We love him for so many reasons!
and truly, we are so grateful to have him and to celebrate him!!!

I hope that every year is like the last
and that no matter your age you'll ALWAYS be my baby.

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