Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Odds and ends

I have certainly not been on top of blogging lately.
I find that often I get a little overwhelmed because of how much that I could post,
How much I want to share, and how much time that I just don't have.
So I apologize in advance for my over the top, long, and full of run on sentences blog posts.

Kyren had his very first haircut months ago and did so good.
It's true, the littlest things, are so much more meaningful and fun with your very own little one.
I didn't like it at first, and had a few major breakdowns (sorry, babe.).
It very VERY quickly grew on me...but I mean, come on. Where did my baby go?!!

We went Golfing with daddy.
For those of you who don't know, the Mr. Is quite the sports fanatic.
Ky Bug, of course, just like his daddy had the time of his life.

Oh one of my very best of my besties got married.
It was such a busy day and she looked so pretty. It's always SO fun
to spend the day with friends. The only thing that I would have changed is my sister being there with us.
...and thank you, City Creek, for giving us some good entertainment while waiting for the luncheon.

Jace and I rarely have the time to go out on a "real date" so we finally came up with our own stay-at-home-date
and it was one of the funnest dates that I've ever had. We made a yummy yummy dinner. **steak, corn on the cob, crescents and the beverage of our choice. And then we put our little one down and started building.......dun, dun, dun! The fort of a lifetime!!
We watched a Netflix movie, Jace played some video game, and I drifted off. Oooh how different dates are now!
Ugh. His cuteness absol_utely gets to me! Love him, so much!

Kyren Jace.
He is a total boy. I once read that no matter how many gender neutral toys you try and have
You will ALWAYS end up with more trucks, balls, and dirt. And it's the truth. This little one is all
boy and we couldn't be more proud. So here's a few of his loves.
• Daily Four Wheeling rides with dad.
• Playing in the water.
• The outdoors.
• Driving. Anything we'll let him.
• Running with mom.
• Coloring.
• Stacking things.
• Eggo Chapstick.

We moved from our first little home. It was tough, and it was a very emotional day for me.
I know that deep down, it's the people in that house with me that made it a home. I look forward
to making every house we own in to a home. Our home.

The day before we moved out I caught our little one drawing on the door.
Oh he thought it was the funniest thing, and honestly I was more than okay letting him color
on it because I knew it would easily come off...and I know, me allowing that, is totally not me!
But the joy it brought to him. Ugh. Worth every little thing, ever.
Let them be little.

I am the biggest fan of boutiques, city celebrations, carnivals, and any and all other festivities.
I think that they are the absolute funnest and I obviously drag Jace to them all. The funnest part of it
has been hauling Kyren to them and watching him. This was the famous Hooper Tomato Days. Our Ky Bug absolutely loved
the huge blow up slide, was completely mesmerized by the choo choo train, and even got to sit on a MotorCycle and was in complete Heaven.

Both sides of my family and Jace and I participated in the 5k that morning.
I somehow snuck away with 1at place in my age division and
Kyren also won 'best hair' in the baby contest.
We both were winners.

We matched.
I know in the future Kyren will ask me what I was thinking.
It's these days, while he's young, that I take full advantage of the little things.
His little chubby feet, choosing what he wears, his hair style, and his little fingers wrapped around mine.

I mean, I don't think he looks anything like me
Do you remember that carnival obsession? Well, we took Kyren to some festivities.
There were 2 little girls, maybe a little older than our Ky Bug putting some dirt on the slides. Kyren, of course, wanted to join in on the fun and went over to put his itty bitty hand full of dirt on the slide..and just after he did the little girl hit him on the forehead and said "no"! **cue the drama** Jace went over to rescue Kyren and as he was bent over picking him up he said, very firmly, "no" to the small girl and walked away. She stared. He stared. She glared. He glared. And I seriously laughed my head off. Because for real, she was mini and he was the Super-Hero-Daddy that I have always wanted for my babies.

Because it's this guy that goes to work full time, juggles school, helps coach a boys soccer team 2-3 days a week, plays in his own men's soccer league and still takes his callings as a full time husband and dad seriously. It may be something as simple as tickling Ky, giving a bath, or taking Him on a four wheeler ride. He is the greatest daddy to our greatest blessing. Thank you for making me feel like it's okay to dip my pretzels in frosting, or making a Zeppe's run, telling me I can do hard things, putting up with my addiction of buying Ky clothes, or watching 'just one more' episode of Grey's. He really is everything to us!

I am a Momma Bear through and through and I'll be the absolute first to admit that I baby this little guy. **he is my baby. And he will ALWAYS always be my baby, no matter how many other babies come our way.** and I pray, with everything in me, that this boy will be a mommy's boy forever...because he will always ALWAYS be my littlest love.

The not so little babe, decided to wake up from his 2 hour snooze.
**yes, you heard me right. Two hours!!!
So to end this quickly...
This is us. We are busy, we don't always eat the healthiest, Kyren most often wins every.single.battle, and we
are the furthest thing from having it all togeher. We laugh a lot, everyday. And enjoy the breeze during every four wheeling ride we go on, we have good days and bad days, and we love bed time...but the weekend mornings, together, are always looked forward to.

Until next time, the Ropelato's.""E{Wew

Monday, August 3, 2015

Little Mr. Lemmon

You guys, meet the Lemmon's!

Ugh as if your heart wasn't already bursting at the seems.
This handsome little man made his debut July 1, 2015.
I'll have you know, that Ky Bug picked his due date.
((meaning, he pointed to a day on the calendar))

Sabrina was having contractions all throughout the day on June 30th
and they ended up admitting her in to the hospital late that night due to High Blood Pressure.
We had done a lot, LOT, lot of walking that day.
We put Kyren to bed that night knowing I would be headed to the hospital early the next morning.
Thankfully, my sweet father in law, came over at 5:30 that morning
To keep an eye on our little one.
**to this day he will let you know that it was the very first
Dirty diaper of any grand kids he had ever changed.

I made my way up to the hospital. Excited, anxious, and so ready to hold the newest member of the family!
I got into the room and Jack was sound asleep and mom and Brini were talking.
We fed her ice chips, we laughed, we talked, we discussed names, took some pictures,
And we even braided hair.

At one point, she was dozing off. Mom and Jack were talking about names
And I was sitting in between them listening. When all of the sudden
my sweetest baby sister popped up and asked "where's Keri"?!!
We laughed and I let her know I was right there with her.
She immediately layed back down and fell right back to sleep.
It happened one more time before little baby arrived.

The look in her eyes. I could end this post right now because it really says it ALL!!
Sabrina's delivery was smooth. She really was such a champ
And she made me feel like such a proud big sister.

Experiencing little Stratton's birth was something
I, as his aunt, a mom, and his mommies sister will
never ever forget. There's something so sweet and
so perfect, that it's hard to even put in to words
just how absolutely magical and heavenly witnessing
a baby be born is.

I was real concerned and nervous about my Ky Bug
and how well he would do with his bestie of an auntie becoming a mommy.
He's coming around, slowly but surely to his baby cousin.
In the meantime, I find my heart happy and immensely grateful watching these two together.
I know that come what may they will always, always be best friends!

I love my sister. Any of you that know us know that we
love each other so much and are each other's biggest
fans, cheerleaders and are the ultimate best friends. I hope so much,
that Kyren and Stratton will grow up to be the best of friends
just like their Momma's!

We absolutely love and completely adore our
little Stratton Stewart Lemmon.
Congratulations to both Brini Baby and Jack
for bringing the sweetest little thing in to this big BIG world!

Thursday, July 30, 2015

Our Mini Camper

Where has the time gone?
I swear I say that everyday.

Tonight, the Mr. is playing in a golf tournament
and the teething babe is sound asleep...
So here we are. Me, my thoughts, my Apple Juice, Snickers and Netflix.

We've got some major catching up to do.
I mean MIA should seriously be my middle name these days.
You know what this means...
LOTS of pictures and quick little captions..
at least for the next few posts.

Hoop Lake it was our first adventure of the Summer.
BUT most importantly it was little Kyren's very first camping trip.

That dirty faced-camping-cheeser of a smile.

Believe me when I say that Kyren is a die hard Four-Wheeling Rider.
And i'm pretty sure Jace's most favorite passenger;
no telling him to slow down, to be safe or careful and
would sign 'more, more, more'!

I kid you not..We went on a 6+ hour four wheeling ride.
You didn't hear an angry peep out of this kid, unless we came to a stop.
he dozed off a few times and would laugh when he woke up.
Cutest boy ever.

"Give a man a fish
and you feed him
for a day.
Teach a man to fish
and you feed him
for a lifetime."
--Chinese Proverb.

Best seat in town, my friend.
Momma has taught you well :)

Some of our people.
They told some killer scary stories, helped with our first time camper, and
provided us with countless laughs and memories.

and he's down for the count!

These girls <3

and then a tire blew...plus two more at different times!
My poor inlaws...they were all troopers.
Meet the fixer upper crew.

And this mighty fine handsome little looker. He melts my heart!

Dirty bums mean super dirty bath water.

Camping was a success. I worried about going in the first place
but am SO glad that we did.
Don't get me wrong...it was hard, and quite exhausting.
But it is these priceless moments and memories that I will
truly cherish forever.
Until next year, Hoop Lake.

**next up, maybe some swimming, or soccer with the big boys,
Ky's first haircut and maybe just maybe the most perfect precious little baby nephew you will have ever, ever seen!