Wednesday, April 9, 2014

BumpDate #2

How far along are you? Week 30. Only a short 10 weeks left! :) We can't wait to meet you Babes.
Weight Gain: Waaaay more than I'd like to say. Around 20 pounds.
Cravings: I am still loving that Crushed Ice and lots lots of sweets!
Maternity Clothes: Whoo hoo I actually have some Prego Belly pants :) these have been total lifesavers!
Sleep? Last night I woke up a total of 6 times to relieve my bladder. It's best not to even get me started.
Any names? Jace likes to call him Russel until we can figure it out. Up until last week Jaces theory was we'll figure it out when we meet the little guy...BUT now we're finally cracking down!
Movement? My Dr. says he should be moving about 10 times every 2 hours. Good news he is moving so much more! I can actually see my tummy move he's kicking and pounding so hard. I wouldn't have it any other way!
Dr. Says:: That my Uterus is super sensitive. I have lots and lots of Braxton Hicks contractions! ((I'm monitoring these)) She says he's an active little guy and oh heavens, I definitely know.
How perfect can one be?:: He is measuring exactly 30 to 30 1/2 weeks and his heart beats 150. I've got a winner in me!
Any sickness? Unfortunately, I have been feeling a little nauseated and quite a bit of heart burn. I'm starting to pack on the water weight in my feet and hands as well. But nothing I can't handle right now, at least.
Accomplishments: My sweet Mama came over and helped me clean out the babies room this past week. You have NO idea how big of a huge thing this was for me! Also, we got our Baby Registry all complete. Can I just say how much more fun, and less stressful than completing a wedding registry!
What I'm looking forward to: Baby showers and baby boy getting completely spoiled and loved by all our closest friends and family.
FYI:: For any of you wanting to hold our little Monkey we ask you to please get the Tetanus and Whooping Cough Shot if you have NOT had it within the last 10 years. Good news you can get them BOTH all in ONE fast little pinch. It's quick and it's harmless and you can take that from the lady who absolutely hates anything to do with needles.
Wish us luck on our last few weeks of pregnancy! :)

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