Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Dear Husband,

Dear Husband,
A year ago yesterday we got engaged.
Today we've been married for nine months.
What?! 9 months that's as long as our baby will be in my tummy!
I love you for getting down on one knee and asking me to be yours forever.
Let's not forget how much I love the beautiful ring on my finger.
And I mean B.E.A.utiful!
I love the way you make me laugh.
Yes, even the one time you literally made me sick from laughing SO hard.
I love that you work so hard for me and baby.
...even when I beg you to stay home! Because life truly is much better with YOU!
I love that you offer me your pillow even though I don't take it.
I love that you make me feel like a million dollars
when I know I don't look it!
I love that you pretend like you're interested when I read you blogs, show you pictures,
and last but NOT least make you watch the Bachelor with me weekly.
I love that you are always there
even when I know it's hard to be.
I love that at 9:30 at night and I'm craving Ice
you'll make sure I get it.
I love that you know how much I enjoy photography so you bought me a nice camera.
I love that even though I cry. A LOT. You still wrap me in those big arms of yours!
I love that even though you work so hard for that hot bod of yours
you stay home with me when I need you.
I love that you make me dinner even if it takes 15 guesses before you finally name something I'll eat.
I love that you love your PS4 so so much
BUT you love me MORE!
I love that you let me love you.
and I love that you love me!
I can't possibly begin to list every reason I love you.
For my list would grow f.a.r too long.
so know that I love that you chose me, love me, and are mine for all eternity!
Thank you for the time we've shared and everything in between.
Your wifey!

Monday, February 17, 2014

Will you be mine?

Before you start in to this next blog post let me warn you. It's about to get really mushy gushy. Why? Because I have a husband that deserves to be bragged about every chance I get. It was our second Valentines Day together and we decided we were going to save our money and not celebrate the holiday with gifts. It was Thursday, the day before love day. I was standing in my kitchen doing dishes when there was a knock on the door. No other than the UPS man with a special delivery of beautiful beautiful Roses, the softest bear, the sweetest love note, and the most delicious Chocolates. Oh husband! We agreed no Valentines gifts. He claimed they weren't for Valentines Day they were just because he loved me. Really? You melt my entire heart!

Okay, time for some full on panic. We agreed no presents and now I needed a present and I only had one day to prepare.
I decided I'd make dinner for him. For any of you who know me, know that I can not cook to save my life. The bedroom door had been 'heart-attacked', dinner in the oven, the table set for two, the lights down low, and the candles lit.
...and then my hunk of a hubby walked in the door and not a dang thing could ruin our night, not even the burnt bottoms of my Crescant Rolls.

Our Valentines day was simple and that's what made it great!
Thank you Jace Ropelato for being my Valentine and letting me love you.
I thank my lucky stars every day that you came in to my life!
I love you.

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Discovering Baby

For those of you who don't know we're having a beautiful baby boy...and yes, I know he will be the most beautiful thing ever. Have you seen my handsome husband?! Although many of you knew of our fantastic news many of you don't know how this came to be. Let the story begin.
It was a day that I had work off and had decided to spend it with my sweet mother. We were out that morning running errands and accomplishing our check off list. Weeks ago I had told my sweetheart that I felt I was pregnant...He instantly laughed and quickly reminded me of the other 13 times I had said that same thing. Weeks ago, we had finally, after weeks and weeks of praying we had reached our decision of wanting to wait to bring our own precious angel into the world. Wait for what? Well like any newly wed couple we had BIG plans. Plans to go on vacations; camping, Disneyland, maybe something we couldn't afford? Perhaps Europe. We love our alone time and by love I mean we're super weird about it. We want as much of it as we can possibly get. Maybe purchase a new car, a new house to make a home in, and let's not mention the savings account that was dwindling. As we were laying in bed, I asked 'should we have a baby'? and you know what he said? With absolutely no hesitation whatsoever one word and one word alone came out of his mouth. 'NO'! and with that we turned over and went to sleep and didn't talk about it again.
About a week later, that feeling of having a little body in me had not changed. Mom and I were at the dollar store and I grabbed a few of those pregnancy tests to ease my anxious mind. We went to moms and I took the stick out and to my surprise it was positive. What?! A positive?! What in the world was I going to do? All of these crazy thoughts came rushing through my mind. I was in pure panic mode. What was Jace going to say? How would I tell him? He said no baby. Shoot.
I got in to my car, I prayed until I reached Jaces place of employment, and waited for him to come out. I told him I had a few different things I needed to talk to him about. I pulled out the box from my purse, then pulled out the stick from the box and handed it to my husband. He looked at it, then looked at me.. "yes, we're pregnant"! He didn't believe it. I told him that that is what the stick said. Were we ready for this? I'm not sure. But as we sat and ate our fulfilling Wendy's meals I asked if he was disappointed or upset? Luckily for me my husband was nothing but happy, supportive, and hopeful for a boy.
I'm almost embarrassed to admit that later that night I found myself lying in Jaces arms crying that I had this miracle growing inside of me. I wanted that alone time. I wanted those vacations. I even caught myself saying "I really really like my sleep" Pathetic, I know.

Months later we went to the Dr. hoping above all that we would be able to discover the gender of our little baby. Truth be told I was incredibly nervous...not because I cared whether it was a boy in blue or a girl in pink but because I knew just how badly my manly husband was hoping and praying for the little itty bitty thing to be a boy. The Dr. came in after about 1 1/2 of waiting and waiting she knew after seconds that it was a boy. Hurray for us! A beautiful baby boy we will have. A mini me Jace running around is more than I could ever ask for. I don't know if it's just me but the minute I saw that positive sign I was a mom. I loved this little miracle growing inside of me. Morning sickness all morning day and night, Dr. Bills, sore breasts, no clothes to wear, an itchy belly, restless nights, emotional mess, cravings of otter pops all day and even in the middle of the night, and even those awful stretch marks. I'll take it all. This baby is growing on me. June 14th can't get here fast enough. We cannot wait to meet you little Jace Jr.

Seriously! The cutest profile already.

Look at that leg. He will play Soccer just like his daddy!

Your view at 20 weeks! Half way mark :)

My view. A little bit bigger and slightly more depressing for my body.