Saturday, October 14, 2017

Kueyn turns ONE + Jace thirtyONE

That year just flew right by. Like faster, than anything I can ever remember!
It's a bit bitter sweet. The milestones have hurt so much more with Kue than they did Ky.

Babe and Kue are both October babies. Kueyn was born on the 6th, and Jace on the 29th. Last year I wasn't able to go all out for Jace's 30th because I just had the baby and so this year I thought well why not celebrate the two of them together! It was more to take on than I had originally planned for...Good thing I started planning 2 months ago haha!

I have the absolute biggest soft spot for our one year old. He has the absolute most tender heart and is extra snuggly. He's just the right amount of easy going for our tiny but crazy fam. Kue is the perfect combination of Jace, Kyren, and myself! His smile, his gap between his two front teeth, how he starts singing and tapping his little feet as soon as hears music. The way he scrunches his nose, how his ankles spin when he's excited and panting the minute he eyes food. The way he grins at Ky, tummy laughs at Jace, and peeks around the corner to find me after every single nap. --It's all my very favorite! He is Heaven on Earth.

Then there's Jace. I could go on and on about the father + the husband that he is to me and our boys...but I'll save it for him:) OKAY, fine. You talked me in to it. I'll share! He's the calm to my absolute crazy-worked up-anxious self. He's silent the minute I start lecturing and even shouting. Eating a bowl full of cereal is his thing and not like a small bowl but like a mix your brownie's kind of bowl. Nobody NOBODY in this great big world can make either one of our boys or myself laugh as hard as he does every single day! He's a trooper.. I mean he doesn't even bat an eye any more when I tell him I'm going all out for a birthday party when even I remember saying the year before "never again"! He's everything, just everything to me.

For you sweeties who take the time to be here I have posted some photo's of my boys' birthday party! The details, the food, the smash cake, the things that I don't want to forget and some people that mean an awful lot to me!! Without further ado, start your scrolling.

**The minute I searched Pinterest for idea's I saw these 'Pumpkin Poops' and just about died of their cuteness. We love these Cheeto Balls and BAM these were the very 1st of all of my plans.
My sister in law made these labels for me in 5 minutes and I'm so happy with them:)

My baby sister is always spoiling us. She made these cute teeny tiny smash cakes for both birthday boys and they were just what I wanted! Thanks Brini<3

These boards, my talented sister in law also whipped them up for me! She made one for Kyren when he turned one and I knew I had to have them for this party. We made one for Jace too as a little surprise and it was the funnest little touch.

I will tell you over and over again how talented my baby sister is. She's the most crafty human that I personally know. She makes the cutest photo cut outs for my boy's parties, and the cutest one-of-a-kind pin the ___ on the ___ games!

Give this boy all the food and he's the happiest camper!

First he started out slightly disgusted that this stuff called cake was between his fingers!

...he thought about it, touched it, got the hang of it...

and then, he was ALL in:)

Darn it! It was too late before I even had the thought of taking pictures with everyone. I was able to capture just a few of our very best+favorite people though before everyone went home.

I know it looks like KyBug aka Batman wasn't even at the party but you guys he had quite the sugar high from all of the Suckers+Cupcake+Ice Cream+Cake+Frosting he devoured. I did the best I could haha!

1 comment:

  1. Oh how stunning this bash looks. the theme is really fun. The kiddos love colors and fun activities. I too have been making plans for the rainbow themed first birthday bash at one of the home studios NYC. Actually my twins would turn one and I think the rainbow party would be best and I also have so many ideas for the themed party crafts as well as DIY foods.
