Monday, September 29, 2014

Let's get away.

Good afternoon my reader darlings,
A little Monday post for all of you.

Our little family recently journeyed down to Sunny St. George, Utah.
It was a much needed vacation with Jaces side of the family.
We went down and stayed at his Aunt and Uncles place in Leeds.
Have I mentioned how beautifully spectacular their house is?
Just see the pictures below if you don't believe me.

See. I told you it was beautifully spectacular.
(Not even one third of the house is pictured above)

We went swimming, played some golf, went on a beautiful hike through some water, went four-wheeling, ate some yummy food,
spent time around the fire, swam some more, and enjoyed each others company.

This is his newest thing.
and it's adorable!
He loves to bite that little bottom lip of his.

This little guy was a champ. And a BIG one too!
He doesn't seem to like car rides anymore.
Fortunately though he slept the majority both ways.
Lucky us!

Such a gorgeous view. One of my favorite hikes I have EVER been on.
I loved loved loved crossing the little rivers..even though,
it was definitely some cold water.
Wanna know a secret? Jace had ran to Walmart earlier that day.
He had bought one of those little baby carriers.
We forgot it. Therefore, we carried this little trooper.
He fell asleep twice.
It started raining so the three of us turned around before we made it.
We enjoyed as far as we got though, and enjoyed
the outdoors without cell phones, ipads, and escaping from our everyday lives.

Hahaha this little cutie calls Uncle Jace "Jace-eee"

Because no view is greater than when he is in sight!
Love every single piece of him.
...But he is super Heavenly when he's sleeping.

St. Geezy was a success once again!
It's now back to reality;
work, dishes, no sleep, laundry, grocery shopping,
going to bed early, waking up early, and
making it through one day at a time.

Friday, September 12, 2014

I love to see the Temple.

I love to see the Temple.
I'm going there someday
to feel the Holy Spirit
to listen and to pray.
For the Temple is a house of God.
A place of love and beauty.
I'll prepare myself while I am young.
This is a sacred duty.

I love to see the Temple.
I'll go inside someday.
I'll covenant with my Father;
I'll promise to obey.
For the Temple is a holy place.
Where we are sealed together.
As a Child of God,
I've learned this truth;
A Family is forever.

Lucky for us
we had the beautiful privilege of entering
the Ogden Temple before it reopened.
Not only once, but twice.

I'm not sure there are words for it's beauty.
It's stunning, dazzling, pretty, and exquisite.

The first time we went with Jace's fam-bam.
The line was so so long.
and when I say long..I mean it!
But was it worth it?

These two people pictured on the left.
Oh for the love.
You guys, my heart almost bursts out of my chest
because of the love I have for these two.

I cannot imagine a life without them both.
I am thankful for a man
who loves both Kyren and I.
Who puts us before himself,
and is always a strength in our lives.

I cannot imagine a life without our son;
our perfect, handsome, wiggly son.
He gives our lives meaning
and brightens every day!

I cannot imagine a life without the Gospel.
A gospel of
love, peace, comfort, wisdom,
and happiness...oh the happiness.

I cannot imagine a life without Temples.
a life without blessings beyond compare.
A life without beauty, and peacefulness.
A life without Eternal Families
is a life without these two.

Because a life without
these special humans
wouldn't be so special.
I am grateful for each and every one of these family members.
I have always loved them.
But as I've grown older,
I have come to realize just how much I not only love them
but need them.
Unfortunately, we made the mistake of leaving the camera in the car.
So this is the only picture we got of all of us.
We'll have to settle with a phone pic.
Thankful everyday that these two raised me in the Gospel.

The beautiful Lemmons :)

Chris, Tatti and Nash. Isn't he so big?

My Eternal Family!

Thankful everyday for a sister who is also my BFF.
Love you!

My two very favorite men.

I am thankful I can be forgiven for my shortcomings
impatience, and silly temper tantrums.
and for a loving Heavenly Father who knows when I need him.

Grandparents and Grand kids.

I think it's more than safe to say this Grandma loves her Kyren babe.

Okay guys, I seriously am so obsessed with him and his cute-ness!
<3 <3 <3

I couldn't agree more with Jeffery R. Holland
Heaven truly would not be Heaven
without my husband and Kyren.
I find great comfort in knowing
I can get cozy with, enjoy their company,
and have them with me not only in this life
but the next!