Monday, August 3, 2015

Little Mr. Lemmon

You guys, meet the Lemmon's!

Ugh as if your heart wasn't already bursting at the seems.
This handsome little man made his debut July 1, 2015.
I'll have you know, that Ky Bug picked his due date.
((meaning, he pointed to a day on the calendar))

Sabrina was having contractions all throughout the day on June 30th
and they ended up admitting her in to the hospital late that night due to High Blood Pressure.
We had done a lot, LOT, lot of walking that day.
We put Kyren to bed that night knowing I would be headed to the hospital early the next morning.
Thankfully, my sweet father in law, came over at 5:30 that morning
To keep an eye on our little one.
**to this day he will let you know that it was the very first
Dirty diaper of any grand kids he had ever changed.

I made my way up to the hospital. Excited, anxious, and so ready to hold the newest member of the family!
I got into the room and Jack was sound asleep and mom and Brini were talking.
We fed her ice chips, we laughed, we talked, we discussed names, took some pictures,
And we even braided hair.

At one point, she was dozing off. Mom and Jack were talking about names
And I was sitting in between them listening. When all of the sudden
my sweetest baby sister popped up and asked "where's Keri"?!!
We laughed and I let her know I was right there with her.
She immediately layed back down and fell right back to sleep.
It happened one more time before little baby arrived.

The look in her eyes. I could end this post right now because it really says it ALL!!
Sabrina's delivery was smooth. She really was such a champ
And she made me feel like such a proud big sister.

Experiencing little Stratton's birth was something
I, as his aunt, a mom, and his mommies sister will
never ever forget. There's something so sweet and
so perfect, that it's hard to even put in to words
just how absolutely magical and heavenly witnessing
a baby be born is.

I was real concerned and nervous about my Ky Bug
and how well he would do with his bestie of an auntie becoming a mommy.
He's coming around, slowly but surely to his baby cousin.
In the meantime, I find my heart happy and immensely grateful watching these two together.
I know that come what may they will always, always be best friends!

I love my sister. Any of you that know us know that we
love each other so much and are each other's biggest
fans, cheerleaders and are the ultimate best friends. I hope so much,
that Kyren and Stratton will grow up to be the best of friends
just like their Momma's!

We absolutely love and completely adore our
little Stratton Stewart Lemmon.
Congratulations to both Brini Baby and Jack
for bringing the sweetest little thing in to this big BIG world!