Sunday, May 17, 2015

Happy 2 Years

Wow. Where has the time gone?
We have been married for TWO whole years.
Hurray Hurray! Yee-haw! and YAY!!!

Jace. He is in fact my all time favorite person.
he has my heart and he's had it since day one.
Things between the two of us moved fast, real fast...but that's a
different story that you can find here
I wouldn't change a thing though and he is my happiest and greatest decision and accomplishment. ever.
He makes my heart beat fast, my laugh a lot louder, and my smile much bigger.

We have had such a happy and blessed 2nd year of being together.
One on one time has become a rare thing but Jace always makes sure that
we get "our"time and I'm thankful he makes me a priority when things get crazy.

Here are a few things you may not know about us:

1- I begged and begged Jace for probably 2 weeks straight to be my boyfriend.
he finally gave in and about 2 weeks later became my Fiance'

2- One night while laying down and watching a movie I said "if you love me, you'll
scratch my back." he replied with "okay" and begain scratching.

3- We went to Park City for our Honeymoon and then the plan was to head down to Vegas. As we started our way down we started talking about how much money we could save and how we'd save for a "honeymoon" we actually really wanted. (It still hasn't happened, but you bet I'm looking forward to it!) So we turned around, stopped at
RCwilleys and made it to Shelb' High School graduation then locked ourselves in our house and had a Harry Potter Marathon.
It was the life!

4- Jace took me away last year for my birthday, before the baby was born.
We ended up staying in all sobbing because I felt like a Whale
and Jace consoling me! haha, prego problems!

5- I added Jace on Facebook months before we had even started talking, but
days later, he still hadn't accepted it. I deleted it feeling rejected and
awkward. Don't worry he's just not a Social Media fan so he never even saw it.

Something cute Jace has said to me:

Me: Ugh. Look at all my scars.
Jace: Babe, you don't have scars those are love bites!

Because he love me:
1- He lets me sleep with 3-5 blankets year round.
2- He made me a mommy.
3- He puts the toilet seat down.
4- He puts up with my OCD.
5- He goes grocery shopping with me.
6- He listens to my church music. A LOT.
7- He watches Grey's and the Bachelor/ette.
8- He takes LOTS of pictures and edits my Insta posts.
9- He goes on walks with me outside.
10- He took me to the temple and keeps taking me back.

Because I love him:
1- I let him sleep with the fan on.
2- We watch more manly shows than Chick Flicks.
3- I let him pop my toes AND fingers.
4- Friday night game nights are allowed.
5- I watch sports on tv.
6- I eat Taco Bell more than necessary.
7- I scratch his back way past bedtime.
8- I let him hog the bed.
9- I support his soccer, golfing and every other sport obsession.
10- I organize his closet *even though he doesn't think it needs to be.

The list could literally go on and on.
And thankfully it grows and grows.
Everyday he does or says something that I just think
"oh I love you. so much!"

He is my forever and because of him my whole life has forever changed too.
He made me a mom to the cutest sweetest mini little man and is the all
time cutest daddy to our Ky.

There is nothing better than waking up to and
falling asleep with your best friend.
<3 <3 <3

He is my biggest fan, comforter, role model,
cheerleader, protector, safe haven, cheerer upper, confidant, talented, and most patient-fun-loving man I have ever had the honor of knowing. and better yet, he is ALL mine!!!

I love you Husband!
Thank you for making me your wife and being my forever.
You're my happy and have given me my happily ever after!
I love you babe and I can't say it enough.

Happy 2 years baby!!!
Here's to loving our past,
living in our present,
and looking forward to our future!

and here's just a few extra pictures I just LOVE and die looking at :)

I love you babe.