Wednesday, November 27, 2013

His love for you is evident

(Picture Credit::Greg Olsen)

Today on my way to work I sat quietly in my car when the thought came to me what am I worth? As I sat pondering, watching the purest of snow fall around me I realized that my worth is infinite. Lately, I have felt ignored and forgotten by our Heavenly Father. I've been extremely sick lately and as I've prayed, prayed, and prayed some more to feel better I had lost my faith and had become super impatient. I wanted immediate answers to my prayers...and well we all know Gods timing is NOT our timing. My husband's exceedingly great faith is what has pulled me though these difficult and trying times. It has taken me days, weeks, months, and years to finally see that the young woman theme is in fact true. I AM of infinite worth. He has healed me multiple times...quickly and slowly.

He has blessed me with an incredible husband who loves me, puts up with me, serves me, works so hard for us, takes care of my very emotional self, and still takes me to the temple.
I've been blessed with an amazing family who is always there, are my biggest fans, and role modes.
I've been blessed with outstanding and beautiful friends; single and mingling, married, or moms they are all wonderful and have been there for me even when it was hard; when I was as chubby as a Chipmunk (from getting Wisdom teeth out)Dating the most obnoxiously awful men, and having those girly mood swings.
Thank you to each of you!

I have a Temple Marriage and will one day have a family (children of our own) with whom I can spend forever and always with. I have been given everything I've needed for my entire life because my Father in Heaven loves me! Now with that said, don't think that my entire life has been all 'easy-peasy' because I'll be the first to tell you it wasn't. I've had my fair share of heartbreak, been lied to, used, and completely lost and headed down the wrong pathway on multiple occasions. I sat there thinking back on my life counting the times I asked 'Why me'? Well why not me? Why have I gone through rough times? Because I am of infinite worth! I'm here to tell you that every step down that rocky path was and has been been very worth it!